国际商务实训指导书 联系客服

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4. ?We can offer you immediately?

5. We have pleasure in confirming that we can? 6. In reply to your fax of 1 August?

7. In reply to your enquiry of 7 June, we are enclosing?

8. We thank you for your letter of 15 Sep. and have sent you today by separate


9. We thank you for your enquiry, and are pleased to inform you that? 10. We thank you for your fax of today, in which you enquire for?

11. We should be glad to receive further enquiries from you for prices and samples. 12. We very much regret that we are unable to supply you with the small quantity

you require.

13. Seeing your advertisement in China Daily, we should be pleased to receive your

latest price list for stainless steel tableware.

14. We thank you for your intention to enter into business relations with us. At

present, we are interested in your? and wish to receive a sample for which we will pay upon receipt of your advice.

15. We learn from our Embassy in your country that you are manufacturing and exporting

a variety of Cassette Tape Recorders. As there is a good demand here we should appreciate your sending us a sample together with the prices of various models for which we will pay immediately upon receipt of your debit note.

16. Please be informed that one of our end users is in the market for ? and we should

be glad if you could send us your best prices with indication of time of shipment. 17. Your company has been introduced to us by *** with whom we have traded for many

years. Would you please supply us with a complete set of catalogues for Textile Accessories so that we may make choice and work on them.

18. Enclosed please find a full range of catalogues covering the Textile Accessories

enquired for in your letter of ? If you find any of the items of interest, please let us know and we will send you the samples.

19. While thanking you for your enquiry of ? for? we regret to inform you that

we are not in a position to cover your requirement. However, as soon as we have secured our supplies, we will revert to the matter.

20. In reply to your enquiry of ?, we are now sending you our price list for the

various tools enquire for. By separate mail, we are also sending you a sample of Combination Pliers for your reference. Should you require any other information about our tools, please let us inow and we will reply to you without delay.

四、Offer and Counter-offer

1. We have pleasure in quoting as follows:

2. We have pleasure in offering you the following goods:

3. We are pleased to inform you that our prices are quoted CIF Hamburg.





4. Prices have risen/ fallen/ remain steady. 5. This offer is firm/ open/valid for 5 days.

6. This is a special offer and is not subject to our usual discount. 7. This article is in good/ great/ heavy demand. 8. We shall be unable to obtain further supplies. 9. Will you kindly let us have an early decision.

10. Please send us your instruction by e-mail without delay.

11. After carefully calculating the price again, we decide to make a further

concession of US $ 2 per yard, in the hope that this would lead to an increase in business between us.

12. We offer, subject to your reply reaching here on or before 28 Feb., 500 Phoenix

Brand Bicycles at $ 12 per set CIF London for shipment in April.

13. We thank you for your letter of 12 March and have the pleasure of offering you

the following:

14. In response to your enquiry of ? for?, we quote, subject to our final

confirmation, Butterfly Brand Sewing Machine, Model ABC-1 at $24 per set CIF NY. Time of shipment depends on the quantity to be ordered.

15. We have received your letter of ? and are pleased to quote you for 1,500 dozen

Men’s Shirts as per the sample sent you before, at the price of US $ 5 per piece CIF NY for prompt shipment.

16. While thanking you for your quotation of ?, we regret to say that your price

is on the high side. We do not think there is any possibility of business unless you cut your price by 20%.

17. Your offer for... is acceptable but we are not in a position to make payment

by L/C at sight as it will cost us more expenses. Could you accept payment by drawing on us a sight draft as in the case of Sales Contract 1234?

18. We regret to learn from your letter of ? that you ask for a reduction of 5%

off our original price, which is unacceptable to us as we have closely calculated our price.

19. We have noted your request for a reduction of 8% on our price but regret to say

that there is no room for a reduction as we have quoted you our lowest price at which we have concluded considerable business with other clients at your end. 20. Taking into consideration our friendly business relations, we would

exceptionally comply with your request by reducing our price to US $5 per piece CIF NY. However, this should not be taken as a precedent in future.

21. Your request for a reduction in price has been noted. However, we are of the

opinion that if you could increase your order to 5,000 piece we would allow a 5% discount. Please note this is the best we can do and we hope you will accept it.







一般来说,同国外客户联系,最好能用他们自己的语言。例如,写信给荷兰人,用荷兰语;写信给沙特人,用阿拉伯语;写信给西班牙人、墨西哥人或阿根廷人,用西班牙语;写信给英国人,则用英国英语。一位日本贸易官员曾说过,美国出口到日本的贸易额之所以小的原因,并非日本的进口限制,而是美国商人无法说日语的缘故。当然,事实可能井非完全如此。但一位外国贸易专家曾说过:“你可以用任何语言来买东西,但当你卖东西时,你必须用买者的语言,如你不懂买者语言,而必须用英语进行交际时,你则须注意英语的用法;你可以和美国人说\在他方便的时候(at his convenience)会面;而对英国人、澳大利亚人或其他用英国英语的人则不宜用\这个词,因为\的意思是“厕所”。同样,\和\在英国和美国的概念是不同的。前者在英国比在美国要大3%,而后者则要大20%。


例如,对一个法国商人来说,权力和尊严往往是主要的,而金钱则是次要的。在日本,以貌取人,根据表面现象来作出结论,则可能是错误的,而这种错误的可能性要比在泰国、印度等国大得多。因此,在同法国人和日本人做生意时,必须意识到这些不同之处、 一位美国外贸专家曾讲到,美国一位出口业务经理有一次要同时写信给三位外国经销商解释提价的原因,在写信给德国经销商时,他的信很快进入正题;在写给黎巴嫩经销商的信中,他就不那么直截了当,而是首先作了较为详细的解释;而在写给秘鲁经销商的信中,他则用了一页篇幅客套一番,从第二页才开始解释提价的原因。








甚至连文书上的日期这种简单的事情,如用数字表达,也会带来问题。美国表示1984年3月11目的写法一般是3/11/84,而英国的写法则是11/3/84,把“日”放在“月”之前。这种写法美国人就会认为是11月3日,而不是3月1l日。另外,\这个词,美国英语的意思是\十亿\,而英国英语的意思是“万亿”。因此,英国人说\billion\,美国人就要说\trillion\而美国人说\billion\,英国人就要说\thousand million\虽然近年来英国也有迹象表明开始把“billion\当作“十亿”使用)。

我们要想得到外国人的尊敬,只需在写信时把称呼尊称用得正确得当。如写信给英国人John Peter Billings-Blake,称呼只需用\英国人喜欢用缩语),尊称用\Mr.Billings-Blake\。但写信给西班牙人JuanRuiz-Gomez,称呼就须用\Ruiz-Gomez\,尊称用\。在阿拉伯,有些人名字里有\这个词,并非是名字,而是一种头衔尊称。因此,Gamal Kaldun Bey,尊称应该是“Dear Mr.Kaldun”而不是\Mr.Bey\。法国律师的头衔用\,放在姓名前面(同样,美国医生的头衔用\,而不是用\。因此,如果称呼用\,尊称就须用\Maitre Duprey\。一般的法国人称呼用\这里的\就是\,尊称只需用\、\和\的缩语分别为\和\,没有标点。法语中没有\这个称呼。同样,这个称呼在英国也不受欢迎(但近年来也有变化的趋势)。




