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1.Alice is a kind girl.We all like . A.him B.her C.you D.them

2.Before you leave the classroom, make sure to turn the lights. A.up B.down C.on D.off

3.Hurry up, you will miss the beginning of the movie. A.and B.or C.so D.but

4.¡ª you help me lift this box? ¡ªYes.Of course.

A.Can B.May C.Must D.Need

5.¡ª is your grandpa, Emma? ¡ªHe's watering the flowers in the garden. A.When B.Where C.What D.How

6.¡ªWhich subject do you like , math or English? ¡ªMath.

A.well B.better C.best D.the best

7.Yao Ming eighteen schools since 2008. A.builds B.built C.has built

D.will build

8.¡ªWhat was Peter doing when his mother called him yesterday? ¡ªHe in the library. A.reads


C.is reading D.was reading

9.Bill asked me take care of his pet dog more carefully next time. A.helped B.helps C.helping D.to help

10.Yesterday Lily her homework because she was ill.



A.doesn't do B.won't do C.isn't doing D.didn't do

11.As everybody knows, the book by Mark Twain. A.writes B.wrote

C.was written D.has written

12.¡ªDo you know for the coming winter vacation? ¡ªHe will go to Australia. A.where Adam will go B.where Adam went C.where will Adam go D.where did Adam go

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Do You Believe You Can Improve?

There's a high school in Chicago with an unusual grading system.If students don't pass a test, they get a different kind of grade ¡°Not Yet¡± instead of ¡°Failed¡±. In her TED presentation The Power of Believing

You Can Improve, Carol Dweck, a psychologist(ÐÄÀíѧ¼Ò),explains the power of ¡°Not Yet¡±: If you get a failing

grade, you think you're nothing.But if you get the grade¡°Not Yet¡±, you understand that you're on the way to the future.

In one study led by Dweck, she wanted to see how children dealt with challenges and difficulties.She gave 10-year-old children problems that were a bit too hard for them.¡°Some of them behaved in a surprisingly positive way,¡± explained Dweck.¡°They said things like ¡®I love a challenge.¡¯ or ¡®I think I've learned something from this.¡¯¡±.These children had a¡°growth mindset¡±.They understood that their abilities could


be developed.They didn't run from error(ʧÎó); they learned from it.

But other children felt it was terrible to make an error.They felt their intelligence(²ÅÖÇ)had been used up.These children had a ¡°fixed mindset¡±.They didn't believe they could do anything to improve the situation.In the follow-up studies, Dweck learned these children were more likely to cheat.They looked for someone who did worse than they did so they could feel better about themselves.The children with a fixed mindset were operating from the ¡°Now¡±, however, the children with a growth mindset were operating from the ¡°Not Yet¡±.

We all have things we want to improve.The problem, however, is few of us believe we can.We believe we're not smart, or we don't have enough time.

We believe we can't persist(¼á³Ö) in the face of difficulties or learn from criticism(ÅúÆÀ).It's a result of a fixed mindset.But the wonderful reality is we can move from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset once we know how.

First, believe you can change, now.Not tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year, but now. Next, for every negative(¸ºÃæµÄ)thought, write down a positive answer.So when your self-talk says,¡°I tried running before and gave up after a week.¡±, you can reply,¡°That's because I didn't have a carefully designed plan.Now I have one and I'm going to stick to it.¡±

Developing a growth mindset takes time and effort, but over time, with enough practice, you'll operate less from the ¡°Now¡± and more from the ¡°Not Yet¡±.

13.Why does the school in Chicago use ¡°Not Yet¡± instead of ¡°Failed¡± to grade students? A.To keep students from losing confidence. B.To help students realize their weak points. C.To advise students to take the test a second time. D.To make students understand their future is uncertain.

14.Which of the following statements shows that the person has a ¡°growth mindset¡±?