大学英语三级(A)真题2009年06月 联系客服

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Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension 1


[详解] 短文第二、三句说“But if you want to an ebook,you must have an Ebook Reader,which is a kind of free software used by your

computer.Make sure you have installed the appropriate Reader before you download your ebook from the Internet.”由此可知,要想看电子书,必须先下载正确的阅读器,故答案选D。 37、A

[详解] 短文第四句话说“The software allows you to turn the words On the screen into the size you like.”结合前面的两句话可知,电子书阅读器是用来阅读你所下载的电子书的。 38、A

[详解] 短文中说到“If you load them onto your portable computer,you can take them with you when you travel.”由此可知,只是将电子书装进电脑里,旅行时就可以阅读它们了,故选项A正确。 39、C

[详解] 文章最后一句说“The amount of time it takes to download your ebook depends on the speed of your connection and the size of your ebook”由此可知,网络链接速度和电子书的大小决定着下载时间的长短,故选项C是正确答案。 40、B

[详解] 本题考查对文章主旨的把握。通读全文可知,这篇短文介绍有关电子书的知识,故答案选B。 2


[详解] 短文第一句话说“Passengers and their baggage must be checked in at least 45 minutes before departure for domestic flights and 60 minutes for international nights.”由此可知,国际航班的乘客应在飞机起飞前60分钟办理登机手续。 42、C

[详解] 短文第二句话接着说“Government-issued photo indentification is required for all passengers.”因此,无论国内的还是国际的乘客,在办理登机手续时,都少不了政府签发的带照片的身份证。 43、B

[详解] 短文第二段开头说“Frontier Airlines,Inc.will accept,per ticketed passenger,two free checked bags?”,由此可知,每个乘客可以免费带两个包。 44、A

[详解] 短文最后一段是关于行李超重的问题,“An excess charge will be

made for each piece of baggage over the free allow-ance?”,由此可知,如果行李超重,乘客将会另加费用。 45、B

[详解] 通读全文可知,这篇文章既不是关于航线的广告,也不是国际航班时刻表,更不是介绍航空公司,而是给乘坐航班乘客的通告。 3

46、 tuition

[详解] 短文第一段第二句话说“The scholarship covers free

accommodation, meals and tuition.”由此可知,此处应填 tuition(学费)。 47、 return

[详解] 短文第一段第三句接着说“Return air fares between their country of residence and Osaka are paid,?”即奖学金还包括返程机票。 48、 pocket money

[详解] 短文第一段最后一句说:“...and $1000 pocket money is also provided.”即该奖学金还包括1000美元的零用钱 (pocket money)。 49、 educational career

[详解] 短文第二段首句中说:“...describing your own educational career so far, ...”,即.申请表中要填上所受教育经历 (educational career)。

50、 February 1,2009

[详解] 短文第三段首句说:“The closing date for application is February 1,2009.”即申请信的截止日期为2009年2月1日。 4

51、(D) (Q) 52、(L) (J) 53、(A) (E) 54、(N) (P) 55、(C) (I) 5

56、 Fourteen weeks

[详解] 短文第二段前两句说:“My practice last summer at Pascal

Business Systems helped me focus on my academic and career goals.My fourteen weeks with your company...”由此可知,他在该公司干了14周的时间。

57、 sales Support activities

[详解] 短文第二段第二句说:“My fourteen weeks with your company involved me in a whole variety of sales support

activities including...”,即他在实习期间从事了多种多样的销售活动。 58、 business communication skills

[详解] 短文第三段首句说:“During the past two semesters I have concentrated on developing my electronic publishing and business communication skills.”即他还发展了商业沟通技能。 59、 an online catalog

[详解] 短文第三段最后一句说:“This would include designing and maintaining an online catalog which could be coordinated with

current inventories.”由此可知,此处应填写an online catalog(在线目录)。

60、 an interview

[详解]根据短文最后一段的首句“I am available for an interview at your convenience ...”可知,他写这封信的目的是为了求得一次面试的机会。 Part Ⅳ Translation


[详解] For your safety意为“为了你的安全”,it has been correctly

mounted on a dry and cool base是指“被正确地安装在干燥阴凉的基座上”,故只有选项D正确: 62、A

[详解] Not only...also...意为“不仅??而且??”,句中的asking questions是主语,involve sb in意为“使??卷入,使??参与”,因此asking questions at a meeting involve you in discussions是说“会上提问使你参与到讨论中”;demonstrate意为“证明,演示”,可引申为“展示”,故答案选A。 63、B

[详解] the interdependence of nations意为“国家间的相互依存”,so long talked about by statesmen是一同谓语;more than ever意为“比任何时候都更加??”,因此只有选项B正确。 64、D

[详解] in connection with意为“对于??”,be responsible for意为“对??负责”,purchaser是指“买主”,因此只有选项D是正确的译文。65、市政府认可市民有新的要求。为了更好地满足这些需求,我们于2009年在公用设施方面做了些改变。在去西火车站的市郊增加了3个车站,全市区都通了宽带网,给市图书馆购买了5000册新书,给市内医院配了新设备。明年我们将尽力使得你们的生活更美好。 Part Ⅴ Writing

1、Dear Sir Or Madam,

I'm Wang Lin,an HR staff from×× company. We are going to

arrange our staff to have a traveling vocation next month.There are 30 people for one week.Would you please send me some related

information,such as the traveling route,price,discount,especially the schedule arrangement.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

your sincely,

Wang Lin