车斌B5 Module2 英语教学设计 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章车斌B5 Module2 英语教学设计更新完毕开始阅读0cf83b01b52acfc789ebc944


授课时间: 年 月 日至 月 日

单元(章) 制 定 教 学 目 标 的 依 据 教 学 目 标 课标要求 与 教材分析 必修五Module 2 A Job Worth Doing 总课时数 4 课标要求:本模块的话题属于《课标》话题项目表中个人情况“Personal information” 的“工作生涯 Job and career”一项,其中心话题是“ 职业 ”。通过学习不同职业的特征及其对人类的贡献,培养学生正确的择业观。同时培养普通人参与社会义务工作并服务于社会的思想意识。从形式和功能上,熟练运用动词的一般过去时,过去进行时和过去完成时连贯地表达一定的意思。 教材分析:本模块采用题材、功能、结构和任务相结合的体系,彰显了教材的特点。本模块的主题是“职业和生涯”,是《课标》中的重点话题,作为高中二年级必修五的第二个模块,教材安排了工作生活和道德话题,旨在引导学生学会求职工作,领悟语篇中所蕴含的文化内涵。 学情 分析 学生在学习本模块时容易突破难点,因为语法基于初中英语。但由于学生对 “Job interview” 和 “The valued and meaningful job”不是特别熟悉,所以应加强相关词汇以及阅读学习,使学生在现有的水平上,运用本模块所学相关词汇认识并去描述自己的择业观,从而提高自我的人生观和价值观。 知识 与 技能 过程 与 方法 情感 态度 价值 观 知识与技能 1. 能识记理解本模块68个生字,掌握其中40个课标词汇的用法,能够正确使用这些词汇;2. 能熟练运用“动词时态”的用法,进一步了提升对其知识点巩固; 3. 通过听说读写的综合训练,了解不同择业观并发展自己。 过程与方法 学生在感受英语语境,进行小组合作,交流意见,体验和经历“求职,面试,择业,工作”,学会多角度看问题,在交流中锻炼自我,感受英语语言文化,尝试对所学内容主动复习和巩固,并能做到及时归纳和小结所学的知识。 情感态度价值观 学生在经历和参与小组活动、大组讨论等活动,学会择业,树立尊重文化的思想感情,养成敢于用英语进行交流与表达个人的观点,主动参与英语活动的好习惯,


第 1 页(总 页)


授课时间: 年 月 日

课题 课 时 教 学 目 标 Introduction & Listening 课型 听说 第几课时 Period 1 Knowledge and skills 1: Student can use 13 revised words and communicate with others to talk about their dreams in future. 2: Students can describe different sorts of jobs and try their best to understand the title “A Job Worth Doing” and have an effective preparation for reading. Process and methods 1: Students can feel the and get different opinions of the judgements of different jobs. 2: Students can try a “Non-stop Presentation” and have fun in the class and grasp the proper aim of this module. Emotion and values 1: Students begin to pay attention to the jobs in our life . 2: Students begin to realize the values of jobs ,then think about the values of life. 教学 重点 与 难点 教学重点: Interactive conversation to express their own ideas about different jobs and how to give a presentation in public. 教学难点: Students can express their own opinions bravely using proper expressions and improve their oral English. 教学方法:以“启发式”教学为主,使用听说法、交际法引导学生进行听说训练(Listening practice). 教学手段:黑板,粉笔,多媒体课件以及课前搜寻的补充资料等来辅助教学。 听说课的特点是,大量的输入听的内容,才能有效地输出说的内容。 1. 本模块的话题学生比较熟悉,Introduction部分内容浅显,学生易接受,可将“Listening+ Everyday English”两项任务提前进行整合教学; 2. To begin with, we’re planning to lead students to know about the topic through the introduction and listening. 3.With relevant exercises following, students can make a good preparation for all the module. 教学 方法 与 手段 使 用 教 材 的 构 想 太原市教研科研中心研制

第 2 页(总 页)


教 师 行 为 学 生 行 为 Ss: A policeman A doctor A conductor A director A scientist... The students will present their own ideas to give reasons . Because... Ss: A job worth doing Daily Greetings: Part 1. T: Today, we are going to talk something about jobs. For example, what does your father do? What are you going to do when you graduate from the college? Do you want to be an English teacher in Taiyuan Foreign Language School like me ? Do you want to be a president in this country? ... Open your book , turn to page 11 and look at the title of this module. ] A job worth doing What does it mean? A job which is worth doing be worth doing (主表被) The novel is worth doing. 太原市教研科研中心研制

第 3 页(总 页)


教 师 行 为 T: Look at the pictures, What are the people doing? Give those questions to different students and get different answers as possible as they can. 学 生 行 为 Ss: No.1:A doctor is examing a patient. No.2: Thoee people are in a business meeting. New words: They are doing business. Chef , electrician. T: We talked about different kinds of jobs just now, and No.3:An electrician is repairing an electric now we are going to talk about the descriptions of jobs. equipment. Ok, use the words and phrases in the box to describe No.4:A chef is showing the different jobs . his prizes won in the computer. It is + adj + to be No.5:A pilot is standing in The reason why people choose the job. front of` his aeroplane. He/She wants to be a ... because...... No.6:A woman Chemist is Let’s have a non-stop presentation: doing a chemical experiment. Call another student what would you like to do in the future? I want to be a police which can save the people.... Listen to part 1 and part 2, then complete the form. 太原市教研科研中心研制 第 4 页(总 页)