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这些例证是这部词典独有的。 ? merely ['m??l?]

You are merely reciting facts that you have learned by rote. 你只是在背诵自己死记硬背下来的东西。 贫穷的 poor ? needy ['ni?d?]

Needy and handicapped people depend on government relief for their support. 穷人和残疾人依靠政府的救济维持生计。 ? impoverished [?m'p?v?r??t]

The rural people have been impoverished by a collapsing economy. 经济崩溃使农村地区的人们一贫如洗。 ? in poverty

He was bred up in poverty. 他是在贫苦的生活环境中长大的。 富裕的 rich ? wealthy ['welθ?]

All of them came from wealthy, upper class families. 他们全部来自富有的上流社会家庭。 ? well-heeled ['wel'hi:ld]

Both families are reasonably well-heeled and comfortably-off. 两家人都相当富有,都生活得很舒适。 ? well-to-do

She comes from a well-to-do family. 她出身于一个小康之家。 大的 big ? vast [vɑ?st]

The pollution has already turned vast areas into a wasteland. 污染已经使大片地区沦为不毛之地。 ? massive ['m?s?v]

We needed to reskill our workforce to cope with massive technological change. 我们得让工人学习新技能,以应对巨大的技术变革。 ? enormous [?'n??m?s]

The enormous difficulty makes him cynical about the feasibility of the idea. 巨大的困难让他对这个主意是否可行持怀疑态度。 新的 new ? brand-new

Net Electronic Map has become a brand-new way for showing the geographic information.

网上电子地图已成为一种全新的地理信息展示方式。 ? fresh [fre?]

The company set to make a fresh start under a new broom. 公司准备在新任领导的带领下开创新局面。 ? novel ['n?v(?)l]

Protesters found a novel way of demonstrating against steeply rising oil prices. 抗议者找到了抗议油价飞涨的新办法。


有害的 harmful

? damaging ['d?m?d???]

Many chemicals have a damaging effect on the environment. 许多化学物质都对环境有破坏性的影响。 ? ruinous ['ru??n?s]

The decision has proved to be ruinous. 事实证明这个决定造成了危害。 ? destructive [d?'str?kt?v]

The city witnessed the destructive force of the storm. 这座城市遭受了这场暴风雨的巨大破坏力。 困难的 difficult

? demanding [d?'mɑ?nd??]

He found he could no longer cope with his demanding job. 他发现自己已无力应对这份劳神费力的工作了。 ? laborious [l?'b??r??s]

They had the laborious task of cutting down the huge tree. 他们要完成砍伐大树的艰苦工作。 ? formidable ['f??m?d?b(?)l]

He took on the formidable task of reforming the whole system. 他承担起改革整个系统的艰巨任务。 无聊的 boring ? dull [d?l]

The conference was deadly dull. 会议开得死气沉沉的。 ? tiresome ['ta??s(?)m]

I find it very tiresome doing the same job day after day.

日复一日做相同的工作让我觉得非常无聊。 ? tedious ['ti?d??s]

He that can read and meditate will not find his evenings long or life tedious. 会读书和思考的人不会感到长夜无聊或者生活乏味。 忧虑的 worried ? anxious ['??(k)??s]

He was anxious about the enormity of the task ahead. 他为眼前任务的艰巨性而感到焦虑。 ? apprehensive [?pr?'hens?v]

The long delay had made me quite apprehensive. 长时间的耽搁使我相当忧虑。 ? fraught [fr??t]

It has been a somewhat fraught day. 这是令人颇为担忧的一天。 沮丧的 sad

? depressed [d?'prest]

She felt very depressed about the future. 她感到前途无望。 ? gloomy ['glu?m?]

They found him in gloomy, downbeat mood. 他们发现他情绪低落,无精打采。 ? frustrated [fr?'stre?t?d]

Both sides in the dispute appeared very frustrated at the lack of progress. 争执双方因事情毫无进展而显得十分沮丧。 怀疑的 doubtful ? skeptical ['skept?k?l]

Many were skeptical about this solution. 许多人对这一解决办法表示怀疑。 ? suspicious [s?'sp???s]

Most organizations are, quite understandably, suspicious of new ideas. 大多数机构对新想法持怀疑态度,这不难理解。 ? incredulous [?n'kredj?l?s] She gave me an incredulous glance. 她表示怀疑地向我瞥了一眼。

be pleased to 乐意做某事 used to be 过去曾经是 bachelor’s degree 学士学位

be involved in 被卷入……中;涉及到……

be trapped in 被困在

fail to 未能 be guilty of 犯有…罪

out of one’s mind 疯了;发疯;精神不正常;失去理智

be unworthy of 不值得 be suitable for 适合于…的

soak up 汲取(知识等) be responsible to 对…负责

strive to 努力做某事 at the rear of 在…的后面 be named after 以…名字命名

have difficulty doing 做某事有困难

more or less 或多或少 draw conclusion from 从…得出结论

be noted for 以…而闻名

up-to-date 最新

refrain from 克制;抑制;忍住 afford to (有条件)做;能承担 have ... in common 有共同之处 wind its way to 蜿蜒而行 speed up 加速;使加速

by any mea 无论如何 be strict with 对…要求严格 pull through 渡过难关 place emphasis on 重视;强调 give top priority to 优先考虑