英语听力题型主要分为三大类 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章英语听力题型主要分为三大类更新完毕开始阅读0c7ac91155270722192ef783

英语听力题型主要分为三大类: (一)短对话:选项还是四选一 (二)独白,有一个人说一篇文章 (三)复合式听写



用来表示“请求”的句型有: Will you...? Would you...? Do you mind...?

Can you...? Could you...? How about...? Would you mind...? Why not...? Would you tell me...?



Shall I...?

Do you want me to...? Can I...?

Would you like me to...? Could I...? Would you mind...? How about...?

值得注意的是被提供者无论是否接受帮助,在许多情况下都要表示谢意,而这些谢意往往成为干扰项,对考题不起作用,应尽量排除。 ? You will hear:

W:What can I do for you, gentleman? Maybe you like this T-shirt, because the colour matches your skin and it is the latest fashion. M:Yes,it's really a good T-shirt and it's of good colour. But I just walk around and watch. Thank you just the same. ? You will read:

Q:What does the man accept?

[A] The color. [B] The suit. [C] The style. [D] Nothing. (二)建议表达形式

建议包括建议对方做什么和建议自己要对方一起做什么。试题中有的建议是直截了当的,有的则是婉转暗示的。 常用来表示建议的句型有: Let's?

You'd better... Why don't you...? Why not..., Maybe you..., Perhaps we..., How about?? What about?, Shall we...? ? You will hear:

M:Where can we get the pencil-box?

W:I'm not sure. let's go to the shop to borrow the pencil—box. ? You will read:

Q: What does the woman mean?

[A] She suggestes they go to the shop to borrow the pencil—box.

[B] She is not sure where the pencil-box is. [C] She doesn't know if there is the pencil-box. [D] She has found the pencil-box in the shop. M:I think I'm coming down with something. W:Maybe you'd better see a doctor. ? You will read:

Q:What does the woman suggest that the man do?

[A] Calm down a little. [B] Become a doctor. [C] Find a better doctor. [D] Get medical advice. 一、 语音、语调



1. 连音(读):前一个词与后一个词紧密连接而形成的读音叫做连音(读)

在英语里有两种连音:一种是前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一个词是以元音开头、辅音和元音连在一起发音而形成的连接。 例如: It is a pencil. ([t]与[i],[z]与[?]连音) Good evening. ([d]与[i:]连音) an old ([n]与[o]连音)

另一种是前一个词以元音结尾,后一个词又是以元音开头,两个元音连在一起读出而形成的连接。 例如:the end ([i]与[e]连音) too easy ([u:]与[i:]连音)