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having been turned into more than 300 movies since the first was made in 1899. And the plays continue to pack audiences into theatres around the world. Even 400 years after his death, Shakespeare is still pulling in the crowds.

第四讲 增减词和词性以及句子成分转换



1)A book, tight shut, is but a block of paper.

2)Success is often just an idea away. 3)After the banquets, the concerts, and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communiqué.

4)It's more expensive than it was last time but not as good.

5)The application of plastics in automobile industry has brought about great increase of the consumption.

6)Commission depends on the quantity of goods ordered.

7)The high risk of injection puts a premium on the use of sterile needles

8)What they wanted most was an end of uncertainties.

9)She is a complicated girl - moody, sensitive and skeptical.

10)Between sewing, cleaning, and raising her children, the mother was kept busy all day long.

11)The tension in the Middle East has attracted much attention of the world.

12)He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his own son guilty.

13)In order to improve a certain kind of battery, Edison spent almost ten years and made nearly 50,000 experiments.

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14)Alone, Roosevelt could have accomplished little.

15)I saw a Turner on the wall.

16)They talked about wage, price and inflation.


由于两种语言表达习惯不同,翻译时如果一字不漏地照搬,往往会显得累赘、拖沓、冗杂、或不合行文习惯,甚至产生歧义。采取减词译法可以使译文言简意赅。涉外文书翻译常有以下几种减词情况: (1) 减去代词

1)We assure you of our prompt attention to this matter.

(2) 减去陈腐或不必要套语

We take this opportunity to inform you that we are now in position to make prompt shipment of the merchandise.

You are kindly requested to let us have your best quotation for the canned fish.

(3) 减去不言而喻或冗杂词语

1)On condition that you sign this receipt, I will pay the money.

2)The price of the products should be set according to the price in the international market. It should be fixed by the two parties at a level that will bring profit to both. 3)Part-time waitress applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not.


一、名词的翻译 优劣判断

1. There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in his character. A. 他的性格既残暴又狡猾。

B. 他的性格是老虎和猿猴的混合物。 C. 他既有老虎的性格又有猿猴的性格。

2. The inability to satisfy those expectations will mean increased social tensions, especially where the regimes are already a byword for corruption and instability.

A. 如果不能满足这些期望,那就意味着社会局势会越来越紧张,尤其是在那些腐化和动荡已经成为政治的代名词的国家里。

B. 不能满足这些期望,将意味着社会形势越来越紧张,尤其是在那些腐化和动荡已经成为证券绰号的国家里。

C. 无法满足这些期望,将意味着社会紧张局势会加剧,尤其是在那些腐败和动荡已成政权绰号的国家里。

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3. His preoccupation with business left little time for his family. A. 他全神贯注于事业,为他的家庭留下了很少的时间。 B. 他对事业的全神贯注留给家庭的时间很少。

C. 他全神贯注于事业,因而与家人在一起的时间很少。

4. Friday started with a morning visit to the modern campus of the 22,000 student University of Michigan in nearby Ann Arbor, where the Chinese table tennis team joined students in the cafeteria line for lunch and later played an exhibition match.

A. 星期五那天,中国乒乓球队一早就赶到安亚伯附近去参观拥有22,000名学生的密西根大学的现代化校园。他们和该校学生在校内自助餐厅一起排队买午餐,然后举行了一场表演赛。

B. 星期五开始于一个早晨的访问,中国乒乓球对前往安亚伯附近去参观拥有22,000名学生的密西根大学的现代化校园。他们和该校学生在校内自助餐厅一起排队买 ,而后打了一场表演赛。

C. 星期五是这样开始的:早晨中国乒乓球队到安亚伯附近去参观拥有22,000名学生的密西根大学的现代化校园;中午他们和该校学生在校内餐厅一起排队买午餐,午餐过后打了一场表演赛。

5. Nepal’s wide range of topographies support similarly broad cultural variations. A. 由于尼泊尔具有多样化的地貌特征,它的文化也呈现出多样性。 B.尼泊尔广泛的地貌特征支持同样宽广的文化多样性。 C.尼泊尔多样化的地貌特征支持者它的文化多样性。 I’m a perfect stranger to physics.

It is our great pleasure to note that our shipbuilding industry is developing vigorously.

We should be very cautious when buying expensive things and ask ourselves if we are making a wise purchase.

No wonder the sight of it should send the memories of quite a number of the older generation rushing back to 36 years ago.

A little forethought would have saved you much trouble afterwards.

二、形容词的翻译 优劣判断

1. Everyone of us, except my poor hoodwinked grandmother, heard of the bad news. A. 我们每一个人,除了我那可怜的受欺骗的奶奶,都得知了这个不幸的消息。 B. 除了我那可怜的受欺骗的奶奶,我们大家都得知了这一不幸的消息。 C. 我们大家都得知了这一不幸的消息,只有我那可怜的奶奶还蒙在鼓里。 2. There’s been some dirty work with the club accounts and some money is missing. A. 俱乐部的账目有鬼,有些钱不知去向。

B. 俱乐部的账目有卑鄙的勾当,有些钱不知去向。 C. 俱乐部的账目是吃力不讨好的工作,有些钱不见了。 3. She is an absolute one-man wife.

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A. 她是一个绝对地只要一个男人的妻子。

B. 她是一个忠实的妻子,绝对地只有一个男人。 C. 她是一位忠实的妻子,坚信从一而终的信念。 4. She is a good washer. A. 她是一个好洗衣人。 B.她洗衣服洗得很好。


5. Our troops won overwhelming victories in quick succession. A. 我们的军队势如破竹,节节胜利。

B. 我们的部队接二连三地赢得占压倒优势的胜利。 C. 我们的部队接连取得了势不可挡的胜利。 6. The children are always up to amusing tricks. A. 孩子们总是调皮捣蛋寻开心。

B. 孩子们总是喜欢一些逗人笑的恶作剧。 C. 孩子们总是喜欢玩一些引起兴趣的诡计。 7. Few went out in such a cutting and blinding wind.

A. 在如此刺骨的和刮得叫人睁不开眼的风里,很少有人出门。 B. 因为刺骨的风和刮得叫人睁不开眼睛的风,很少有人出门。

C. 寒风刺骨,刮得叫人睁不开眼睛。在这样恶劣的天气,很少有人出门。

8. Enemies of the industrial status quo, they (American financial enterpreneurs) are takeover artists and spin off specialists who have forced nothing less than the restructuring of corporate America.

A. 他们(美国金融企业家们)善于打破产业的现状,或者实行兼并,或者分散经营,往往得心应手。他们促成了美国企业界的重组。

B. 他们(美国金融企业家们)是产业现状的大敌,是兼并大师,也是分散经营的专家。他们促成了法人团体的美国的改组。

C. 他们(美国金融企业家们)是产业现状的敌人,是兼并大师,也是分散经营的专家。他们促成了全体美国的重组。

9. On these pages you get the story of what happened – and how leading Americans see the priorities now.

A. 以下几页叙述的是事情的来龙去脉——以及美国领导人当前如何看待事情的轻重缓急。 B. 以下几页叙述的是事情的来龙去脉——以及领导的美国人当前如何看待事情的轻重缓急。

C. 以下几页叙述的是事情的来龙去脉——以及当领导的美国人当前如何看待事情的轻重缓急。

The whole village was astir with the news.

Television is different from radio in that it sends and receives a picture.

All cash bonus shall be subject to income tax.

The prisoners of war are allowed to write censored letter.

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