2011年北京市政工中级职称 - 英语 - 考试复习题1 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2011年北京市政工中级职称 - 英语 - 考试复习题1更新完毕开始阅读09e18ab8960590c69ec376d4


第一部分 听力理解

(一)听下面的对话,对话后有若干个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 1. 2.

1. Lucy says her parents are strict with her because

[A] they do not allow her to choose her clothes herself [B] they force her to keep away from all her friends [C]they forbid her to go out on weekdays 2. How do Lucy ‘s parents think of her homework?

[A] It should be finished before anything else. [B] It should be much more difficult than it is . [C] It should be out of the way before Saturday . 3.

Lucy says: ―we are in the same boat.‖ It means [A] both Lucy and her friends‘ s parents are strict. [B] Lucy and Peter are in a very similar situation [C] Lucy and her parents have the same problems. 4.

Peter‘s parents would like him to be [A] creative [B] independent [C] friendly 1.

Where are the speakers? [A] In their kitchen. [B] At a store. 2.

[C] In the man‘s office.

How high do the ceilings in today‘s apartments usually [A] 2.3 meters. [B] 2.7 meters. [C] 3 meters. 1.

Who answered the phone call? [A] The woman. [B] The man′s cousin. [C] The woman′s mother. 2.

Why did the woman apologize? [A] She brought the man the wrong dish.

[B] She wanted to change the dish she had ordered. [C] She kept the man waiting for too long a time. 1.

When is Tom planning to leave? [A]At 5:15 [B]At 5:25 [C]At 5:30 2.

What are the speakers complaining about? [A]there are not enough good films.

[B]Newspapers often give the wrong information about new films.

[C]It takes too long for new films to arrive at the local cinema.

2. 1.

What do we know about the concert?

[A] Many famous groups will perform at the concert. [B] It'll be held in the music hall tomorrow evening. [C] Tickets are not necessary for the concert. What are the man and woman talking about? 3. pool?

[A] Its telephone number [B] Its rules for children [C] Its opening hours

2. 1.

How often does the man play basketball? [A] Every week [B] Twice a week [C] Every month

What do we know about the speakers from the talk? [A] The man doesn‘t want to tell the score. [B] The woman tries to make the man happy. [C] The woman plays better than the man.

What does the man want to find out about the swimming


1. Why doesn‘t the woman want to eat fish?

[A ] She never eats fish in the restaurant. [B] She wants to have a change. [C ] She doesn‘t think the fish is fresh.. 2. What is the man not satisfied with?

[A ] The drinks machine. [B ] The drinks service. [C ] The drink‘s taste.

3. Why does the woman show interest in the bookstore?

[A ] She works in a bookstore. [B ] She sold cookbooks years ago. [C ] She loves a man in the store. 3. 2.

What is the relationship between the speakers? [A] They are good friends. [B] They are operator and caller. [C] They are brother and sister. What does the man want to do?

[A] He wants to know Ms. Amanda Rhodes‘s telephone [B] He wants to find where Ms. Amanda Rhodes lives. [C] He wants to tell the man Ms. Amanda Rhodes‘s name.

2. 1.

Why does the guest complain about the food? [A]The food tasted terrible. [B]It was not what he ordered. [C]The food came too late.

What can we learn from the dialogue? [A]The woman has ordered too many dishes. [B]The waiter isn‘t working hard enough. [C]The service in the restaurant is not good. What problem has the man got?

[A]He doesn‘t know how to use the machine. [B]He has no money to buy a drink. [C]He can‘t find a place to get a drink. 1.

Who is the men speaking to? [A] His boss [B] A co-worker [C] A nurse

What do you know about the man? [A] He is an employment office clerk. [B] He is the woman`s friend. [C] He is an employer.



[A] kinds of drinks. [B] The art exhibition.

[C] Tourist attractions. 1.

What did the woman buy husband for the New Year? [A] A book [B] A toy

[C] A watch 2.

How much will the man pay for the tickets? [A] Ten dollars [B] Twenty dollars [C] Thirty dollars 3.

What dose the man mean? [A] He doesn‘t want to help her. [B] He will certainly help her. [C] He is busy at the moment. 1.

How long has the woman used her car? [A] About 8 years. [B] About 10 years. [C] About 12 years.


What color is the sweater that the boy wears? [A] Red.

[B] Black. [C]



What are the people talking about? [A] A weekend plan. [B] A football game. [C] A weekend movie. 2.

How does the woman feel about ice skating? [A] She thinks it‘s a dangerous sport. [B] She prefers ice skating to roller skating. [C] She doesn‘t like it very much. 3.

What is the woman going to do with her father? [A] Attend a birthday party. [B] Choose a gift for her dad. [C] Buy some shoes for herself. 1. What is the woman going to do tomorrow? [A]Entertain some visitors. [B]Visit Disney world [C]Work in Florida

2. What is the woman going to do at the camp?

[A]Ride a bicycle [B]Go boating [C]Learn how to cook 1.

Why is the woman moving? [A] She needs a quieter place. [B] She wants a room with a television. [C] The new room is more comfortable. 2. What does the man want the woman to do?

[A] teach him some Chinese. [B] Go with him to see a film. [C] Help him get the photos. 3. What is the man going to do?

[A] Try to finish his work.


[B] Go out with his friend. [C] Enjoy the sunshine in the open.


What can we learn about the woman? [A] She didn‘t advertise the sale. [B] She didn‘t go to the sale. [C] She didn‘t find a job. 2

What is the price of the chair? [A] $15 [B] $50 [C] $65.


Where does this conversation probably take place? [A] A department store.

[B] A tailor‘s shop. [C] A sports center.


What did the speakers plan to do this afternoon? [A] Play tennis. [B] Have a picnic. [C] Clean the house.

2. What is the man going to buy? [A] Food. [B] Drinks. [C] Flowers.

3. Why does Tom visit Tracy? [A] To borrow some milk.

[B] To help cook the meal. [C] To tell the woman he's sorry. 1.

What can we learn about the woman? [A]

She phoned a weather station. [B] She met Paul Black in a shop. [C] She does the wrong phone number.

2. How does the man prefer to go to work? [A]By car. [B]By bus. [C]On foot.

3. How did the man make himself useful to the woman? [A]He found her a job. [B]He cleaned her room. [C]He helped her move house. 1.

How will the woman get to North Road? [A] She will go north. [B] She will go on foot. [C] She will take two turnings.

2. Where is the woman going? [A] To the downtown area. [B] To the town square. [C] To the arts center.

3. Where is the man now? [A] He is on the bus. [B] He is at the seafront

[C] He is near a bus stop



Where does the man want to go? [A]The zoo. [B]The bank. [C]The bus stop. 2. What is the man doing? [A]looking for a book. [B]Booking a seat on a plane. [C]Leaving for the airport.

3. How will the woman go to the museum? [A]By taxi. [B]By publie bus. [C]By underground train.


What does the woman think about doing in the future? [A] Traveling on a ship. [B] Watching the waves. [C] Driving along the coast. 2.

What are the man and woman doing? [A] Looking for some suitcases. [B] Booking tickets for a journey. [C] Checking the woman‘s baggage. 3.

What happened to the man and woman? [A] They missed their train. [B] They were on the wrong train. [C] They got on the train without their son. 1.

What is the man doing?

[A]He is introducing himself to the woman. [B]He is paying for his stay in the hotel. [C]He is playing cards with the woman. 2.

Who is the woman? [A] A hotel employee.

[B] The man‘s wife.

[C] A hotel guest. 3.

What is the man doing at the hotel? [A]He is asking about his room. [B]He is making a reservation. [C]He is checking in. 1. How much does the customer have pay?

[A]10cents [B]30cens


2. What is the man doing?

[A]He is buying a plane ticket to Europe. [B]He is sening some postcarde. [C]He is asking about his mail. 3. Why must the man go to the bank?

[A]He doesn't want to borrow any money from the woman. [B]He is going on a trip that will cost him a lot of money. [C]He can get traveler's checks only from the bank.


1. Why is the woman speaking to the man ? [A]She is telling him to wear formal clothes.

[B]She is asking him to bring some wine. [C]She is inviting him to her party. 2. What are the speakers worried about? [A]The game might be put off. [B]It might rain during the game. [C]There might be less fun in the match. 3. What do we learn about the woman? [A]She is impolite to the man. [B]She is angry with the man.

[C]She is too busy to talk with the man.

(二)听下面的对话,对话后有3-4个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 1.

Where does the conversation take place? [A] In a park. [B] At a restaurant. [C] In an office.


What is Alice doing now? [A] She is working for a company. [B] She‘s looking for a new job. [C] She‘s studying at a university.

3. What is the relationship between the speakers? [A] They are good friends from different cities. [B] They are students studying at the same university. [C] They are teenagers of the same family.

4. How does Peter find out that herb comes from Texas? [A] By reading his reports. [B] By interviewing him. [C] By listening to his speech. 5. What would Jack like Peter to do? [A] To meet new classmates.

[B] To get something to eat. [C] To go to his room. 6. Where do the speakers live? [A] They live on the same floor [B] They live in Room 212. [C] They lived in Room 220.


What do you think of the speaker‘s ideas about his parents? [A] He hates them [B] He likes them

[C] He envies them

2. How does the speaker study at school?

[A] He is interested in his studies, but he dislikes the teachers.

[B] He works very hard at his studies but he isn‘t good at


[C] He has no interest in his studies or the teachers at all. 3. What does he really want to do? [A] Enjoy himself [B] Get some pocket money [C] Become a creative boy

4. What kind of boy do you guess the speaker is? [A] A stupid student at school. [B] A trouble-maker in society.



[C] A brave boy at school. 1.

What color of carpet does Liz suggest? [A] Blue. [B] White. [C] Cream. 2.

What does Jane worry about?

[A] Not being able to return the carpet if she doesn‘t like it. [B] Not being able to choose the right color for the carpet. [C] Not being able to afford the high price of the carpet. 3.

Which of the following is most probably TRUE? [A] The speakers talk in their office during break time. [B] The speakers talk when one is visiting the other at her home.

[C] The speakers talk while meeting by chance in the street. 1.

Why was Ted tired?

[A] Because he was at work for the whole day. [B] Because he was studying hard. [C] Because he had been moving house. 2.

What do you know about Marie? [A]She is a student. [B]She is a bank clerk. [C]She is a university professor. 3. What kind of people is Ted looking for?

[A]Someone who can decorate houses. [B]Someone who can make cabinets.

[C]Someone who will clean the kitchen and the bathroom. 4.

Why does Ted need to call Ian ′s friend? [A]Ian ′s friend has gone out of town.

[B]Ted needs to find out if Ian ′s friend can work for him. [C]Ian does not know where his friend is having lunch. 1.

According to the man, when did the area start to develop? [A] In 1837 [B] In1860 [C] In1898 2.

What do you know about Watlington House? [A] It used to be a hospital. [B] It is next to the school. [C] It is opposite St John‘s Church. 3.

How many baker were there in the area? [A] One [B] Four [C] Nine 4 past?

[A] They were mainly connected to the building industry. [B] They mainly produced daily necessities. [C] Their products were mainly for office use. 1.

Who is Robert? [A] A doctor [B] A director [C] A retired manager 2.

What is the man‘s job? [A] A tennis instructor

[B] A physical education teacher.

2. 1.

What does the man tell the woman about the museum ? [A] The museum is on King Street.

[B] Today is the best time to visit museum . [C] The museum is really worth visiting . Who is the woman? [A] A tourist .

[B] A hotel manager. [C] A museum clerk.

What do you know about the industries of the area in the

3. 2. 1.

How did the man and the woman get there? [A] By bicycle [B] By car [C] By taxi

What are they going to watch? [A] A basketball match [B] A football game [C] A car race

Why did the man and the woman arrive earlier? [A] To find Peter [B] To meet the players [C] To get a good place

3. 2. 1.

What are the man and the woman talking about? [A ] A place where people can have a drink. [B ] A time when people can have fun. [C ] A friend they both like to take with. For how many hours is a pub usually open? [B ] Four to eight hours a day. [C ] It depends on the owner.

Who is not allowed to go into a pub? [A ] Young people. [B ] Children. [C ] Students.

[A ] From morning till night. 3. 2. 1.

What are the man and woman going to do now? [A] To call their friend. [B] To eat something. [C] To walk around town.

Why does the man want the woman to meet Howard? [A] He is leaving the town soon. [B] He is the hotel manager. [C]He is a funny man.

Why will the woman be coming a few minutes late? [A] She is going to get a menu. [B] She is going to check the price. [C] She is going to wash her hands.

4. 3.

[C] A sports club manager.

How would the woman describe herself? [A] Easygoing [B] Likes challenge

[C] Unable to handle pressure

What can be the relationship between the man and the [A] Old friends [B] Colleagues [C] Husband and wife
