四川省攀枝花市2020届高三第三次统一考试英语试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章四川省攀枝花市2020届高三第三次统一考试英语试题更新完毕开始阅读08682e9d1b5f312b3169a45177232f60ddcce791


30. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Quiet people are more likely to keep the secrets to themselves. B. Sharing secrets helps establish friendship or get over the sense of guilt. C. It’s better to inform others of the chances of your leaking secrets beforehand. D. Putting yourself in others’shoes helps realize the difficulty of keeping secrets. 31. What is the author’s attitude towards the phenomenon of sharing secrets?

A. Supportive. B. Disapproving.

C. Objective. D. Uncaring.


Scientists, psychologists and English academics at Liverpool University have found that reading the works of the classical writers like Shakespeare and Wordsworth has a great effect on the mind, catches the reader’s attention and triggers moments of self-examination.

Using a special machine, they monitored the brain activity of 30 volunteers as they read works by William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, T.S. Eliot and others.

In the first part of the research, the brain activity of 30 volunteers was monitored as they read passages from Shakespeare’s plays, including King Lear, Othello, Coriolanus and Macbeth, and

again as they read the text rewritten in a simpler form or modern language.

While reading the common texts, normal levels of electrical activity were shown in their brains. When they read the works of Shakespeare, however, the levels of activity jumped because of his use of words which were unfamiliar to them. The result of the test showed that the more challenging passages cause a greater degree of electrical activity in the brain than the common ones.

Scientists went on to study the brain activity as it responded to each word and recorded how it lit up as the readers came across unusual words, surprising phrases or difficult sentences in the classical works. As a result, this lightening up process of the mind lasted longer than that when volunteers read common texts, encouraging further reading.

The research also found that reading poetry especially increases activity in the right hemisphere ( 半 球) of the brain, an area connected with“autobiographical memory”, driving the readers to think carefully about their own experiences based on what they have read. The academics said this meant the classical works of literature are more useful than self-help books.

Philip Davis, an English professor who has worked on the study in the university’s magnetic resonance center, announced this week:“Classical literature acts like a rocket-booster to the brain, which provides extra power for the brain. You may never imagine how powerful it is. The research

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shows such kind of literature can create new thoughts and connections in the young and the old.”

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32. The underlined word“triggers”in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to“


A. stops B. keeps C. interrupts D. causes

33. Which of the following is NOT true about reading classical literature? A. It’s helpful for readers to come up with new ideas. B. It’s an activity that is suitable for people of all ages.

C. It makes readers’electrical activity of brain return to normal. D. It makes readers’brain more active than reading common texts.

34. From the research, we can learn that .

A. poetry increases left-brain activity more than other literary forms B. the readers prefer Shakespeare’s works to the other writers’works

C. the words of classical works make it hard for volunteers to read further D. reading classical works produces a good and long-lasting effect on the mind 35. What does the author mainly tell us in this passage? A. Classical works help the brain develop better. B. Poetry is useful for developing people’s brain. C.

高三英语Common books are unpopular anymore. D. Shakespeare’s plays are worth reading. 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)

It’s easy to make a fitness decision on New Year’s Eve. 36 According to a recent study, 60 percent of people give up on their decision by February. However, you can increase your chances of success with these stick-with-it strategies (策略).

●Start by asking yourself,“Why?”

A fitness decision is rarely about fitness. It’s important to ask yourself why this fitness decision is important to you on a deeper level. 37 Discover exactly what that something is and use it to push yourself to keep going when you feel like giving up.

● 38

You’re far more likely to stick to your goal if you make it as specific as possible. Determine exactly what you’re going to do and when you’re going to achieve it. Deadline are necessary, if you’re serious about making your fitness decision stick.

● Start small and build motivation.

39 Instead, break your fitness goal into a series of smaller challenges, and celebrate every victory along the way. Fitness resolution is hard. Focus on the progress you’re making, no matter how small it seems.

● Focus on fun.

When it comes to making a long-term change, fun is fundamental. It’s hard to consistently

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force yourself to do something you hate. 40 Listen to your favorite music at the gym. Do

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