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发布时间 : 星期二 文章(完整word版)历年陕西省专升本英语真题(答案解析超全)更新完毕开始阅读08537fc38562caaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4bfeb670

tool but not in itself fascinating.”得知妇女不易于发现事物本身的延伸——即有趣的一面. 故正确答案为C。

51. B 事实细节题。题干大意为:地震带是_______。根据原文“The areas of the map where earthquakes

are most likely to occur are called earthquake “belt”。 52. A 事实细节题。题干大意为:San Andreas断层是_______。根据原文“To answer the first question,

scientists are looking very closely at the most active fault(断层)systems in the country. such as the San Andreas fault in California, a fault is break between two sections of the earth's surface. ”得知San Andreas断层是most active fault system。故正确答案为A。

53. D 事实细节题。题干大意为:科学家从Rocky Mountain Arsenal地震中学到了什么?根据原文

“They have realized that there is a connection between injection of the water and the earthquake activity. They have suggested that might be possible to use this knowledge to prevent very big destructive earthquakes, that is, scientists could inject some kind of fluid like water into faults and change one big earthquake into a number of small, harmless earthquakes.”得知一些无害小地震可以阻止大型伤亡严重地震的发生。故正确答案为D。

54. B 事实细节题。题干大意为:从Rocky Mountain Arsenal的研究可以得知_______。根据原文最

后一段“ Nevertheless, there have been some interesting developments in the field of controlling earthquakes. The most interesting development concerns the Rocky Mountain Arsenal earthquakes. Here water was put into a 1ayer of rocks 4000 meters below surface of the ground. Shortly after this injection of water. there was a small number of earthquakes. ”可以推断出这个实验对于预防地震有实际效果。故正确答案为B。

55. C 推理判断题。题干大意是:本文最合适的题目是?根据内容可以推断出全文主要涉及地震分


56. B 主旨题。题干大意为:全片主旨为?根据原文topic sentence“Sporting activities are essentially

modified forms of hunting behavior.”可以推断出全文主要涉及体育运动和现代社会需求的关系. 故正确答案为B。 57. B 事实细节题。题干大意是:作者认为,体育活动是______。根据原文“Instead the sportsmen set

off to test their skill against prey that was no longer essential to their survival.”得知体育活动对于生存不是必需的。根据原文“Hunting for sport replaced hunting for necessity. ”得知体育运动是从狩猎缓慢演变而来. 故正确答案为B。

58. D 事实细节题。题干大意是:一百万年以前. 我们的祖先是______。根据原文“Then about ten

thousand years ago, after this immensely long period of hunting the food. they became farmers. Their improved intelligence. so vita1 to their old hunting life was put to a new use——that of controlling and. domesticating (驯养) their prey. The hunt became suddenly out of date. The food was there on the farms, awaiting their needs. The risks and uncertainties of the hunt were no longer essential for survival. ”得知祖先是在合作狩猎. 故正确答案为D。

59. D 事实细节题。题干大意是:第四段中的“operation”意思是_______。根据原文“Hunting for

sport replaced hunting for necessity. This new activity involved all the original hunting sequences(后果), but the aim of the operation was no longer to avoid starvation. ”得知“operation”指的是成功狩猎后的宰杀。

60. B 推理判断题。题干大意是:根据原文. 下列哪个选项是真实的?根据原文“His killing weapon

has turned into a harmless football and his prey into a goalmouth.”goalmouth应该对应猎物,所以A选项错误。根据原文“Hunting for sport replaced hunting for necessity.”得知后期祖先不是因食物而打猎,而是出于运动的目的,故答案为B。


III. Cloze

61. B worldly 世俗的、世故的;internationally为副词形式。而此处需形容词性来修饰organization. 可知B为正确答案。

62. D in need of...急需. 缺少...;lack of...缺少...;supply n. 补给、供给、供应品;necessity n.必需品、

必要(性)、(迫切)需要。此处为急需帮忙。 63. A 在一次地震中受伤。

64. B where指地点;that引导从句、无实义;when指时间;whom指人(宾格)。根据句意为一个


65. B may情态动词后接动词原形,故may be aided。 66. A 在世界上:in/all over the world. 故正确答案为A。

67. D belong to 属于;owe 欠;应该把…归功于;感激、感恩;win 赢得;share 分享. 分担;分


68. C try to do sth. 试图做某事。句意为试图帮助有需要的人们。 69. C the +adj. 表示一类人。the wounded表示受伤的人。 70. B 根据句意“由Jean Henry Dunant引起的战争”。

71. B 陈述句中使用特殊疑问词后谓语使用陈述句语序,故使用people were suffering。 72. B on a battlefield 在战场上,固定搭配。

73. A regardless of 不顾、不惜;in favor of 支持、赞同;despite of 尽管;on account of 为了…的

缘、因为、由于。根据句意“他想帮助所有受伤的人而不顾他为哪方而战。” 74. B fight for...为...而战,固定搭配。句中使用过去进行时。故正确答案为B。 75. D called 被称为、被叫作...

76. C prohibit 禁止、不准;protest 抗议、反对;protect 保护;provide 提供。Protect sb. Of/from sth.

保护某人不受...。句意中“保护犯人不受战争、战争、疾病的影响”。 77. A other 其他的;others 其他(复数);another 再(另)一个;the other 二者中的另一个(单数)。

Other + n. :句中other citizens 表其他国民。

78. C 一般过去时表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为;过

去主语所具备的能力和性格。基本结构:主语+动词过去式+其他;否定形式①was/were+not;②在行为动词前加didn't. 同时还原行为动词;一般疑问句Did+主语+do+其他。句中“美国的红十字协会于1881年由Clara Barton建立。” 故正确答案为C。

79. A service 服务;helping 服务;facility 设施;money 金钱。根据原句:Such as helping people in

need, teaching first aid, water safety and artificial respiration, and providing blood. 均指各种服务. 所以正确答案为A。

80. B 保持谓语一致. 原句中出现了helping,teaching,providing,故demonstrate也应使用ing.形式.


Ⅳ. Translation

Section A(非英语专业学生做)

81. 人口每增加一倍,相关国家所需要的所有东西都要增加一倍,包括医院、学校、资 源、食品和其人民所需要的医药。

82. 女人更可能将她的汽车、来复枪或计算机看作有用的工具。而不可能感到它们本 身有何魅力。

83. 地图上标出的地震最容易发生的地方被称为“地震带”。

84. 在这种压力下,他们的整个生活方式,包括身体结构,都发生了很大的变化。


85. 但是,打猎的激情和技能仍保留着,并需要以新的形式表现出来。

Section B(英语专业学生做)

As a developing country, China is confronted with the dual task of developing the economy and protecting the environment. Preceding from its national conditions, China has in the process of promoting its overall modernization program made environmental protection one of its basic policies regarded the realization of sustained economic development as an important strategy and meanwhile carried out throughout the country campaigns for pollution prevention and treatment as well as ecological environmental protection.

Over the 18 years since its adoption of reform and opening policy, China's gross national product has achieved a sustained average annual growth of around10 percent. While its environment has basically ceased from deteriorating, the results of our work have shown that China’s endeavor in striking a balance between economic development and environmental protection has been effective.

As a member of the international community, while making great efforts to protect its own environment. China has taken an active part in international environmental protection affairs to promote international cooperation in environmental protection and earnestly fulfilled her international obligations. All these have given full expression to the sincerity and determination of the Chinese government and people to protect the global environment.

Mankind still faces a great many difficulties in solving the problems of the environment and

development and there is a grand task to perform and a long way to go. China will do as it did in the past to cooperate with other countries of the world and strive for the protection of the environment for human survival for the happiness and prosperity of humanity and for the benefits of our children.

V. Writing

Modern Life in the Modern World

Many people insist that now we live in the most wonderful and promising era in history , as more and more machines take over our hard work, making our societies more efficient and our lives more comfortable. For instance, telephone and cell phone become so popular that you can anywhere if you want. Household electrical appliances free us from housework so that we can enjoy more leisure time. Modern transportation makes the world so small that you can travel by air from one city to another in a few hours which could take several days by trains.

In spite the above benefits we gained from the development of science and technology, however, everyone now worries about the pressure modern life. As more and more machines are applied in our daily life, life pace keeps getting faster and the world is getting too complex. As we pursue more and more material things such as luxury cars, personal computers, big houses etc. our financial pressures are growing. As job markets become shrinking and job competition becomes intense, everyone worries about losing his job. What’s more, many people are now faced with the threat of terrorists or live in constant fear because of the unfair wealth distribution between the rich and the poor.

Since human beings are largely a pleasure seeking and pain-avoiding creature, we never stop

inventing things to release us from hard labor. And we also try our best to prove that we are the masters of our surrounding .That’s why our civilization keeps going forward and every new generation benefits from the efforts made by previous one. As high tech develops at a surprisingly high speed, we will gain more instead of suffering more and our future bright and promising.