最新人教版七年级下册英语1-12单元重点句子翻译 联系客服

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Could you ask him to call me back?--No problem. 16. 请问Laura在吗?

May I speak to Laura? =Is Laura there?

17. 公园里有的男孩在雪中玩,有的女孩在河上溜冰,还有一个男的在给雪人拍照。

In the park, some boys are playing in the snow, some girls are skating on the river and a man is taking a photo of a snowman.

Unit 8

1. 这附近有家邮局吗?

Is there a post office near here/around here/ in the neighborhood? 2. 在第二个路口向右拐,饭店就在你左边,在付费电话对面。

Turn right at the second crossing and the restaurant is on your left,across from the pay phone. 3. 我享受周末在公园里消磨时光做锻炼。

I enjoy spending time exercising in the park on weekends.

4.他经常在公园锻炼身体因为他享受干净的空气和阳光。 生命中最美好的事物都是免费的。 He often exercises at the park because he enjoys the clean air and sunshine. The best things in life are free.

5. 我们有时候观察邻居家的猫爬树。

We sometimes watch the neighbors' cats climbing the trees 6. 当我享受读书的时候,时光飞逝。

When I enjoy reading books, time goes quickly.

7. 他刚刚搬到了一个安静的小区,因为他去年住的小区相当吵闹。

He just moved to a quiet neighborhood because he lived in a quite noisy neighborhood last year.

Unit 9

1. 他长什么样? 他这人什么样?

What does he look like?--What is he like? 2. 她留着金色的长长的美丽的卷发。 She has beautiful long curly blonde hair. 3.他中等身高中等身材。

He is of medium height and of medium build. 4.我不认识那个戴眼镜的人。

I don't know that person with glasses.

5. 他是高还是矮?--他很高。 Is he tall or short?--He is very tall. 6. 你最喜欢的男演员/女演员/歌手/艺术家/运动员长什么样? What does your favorite actor/actress/singer/artist/athlete look like? 7. 警察将罪犯的照片登报或上电视来寻找他们。

The police put the picture of criminals in newspapers or on TV to find them. 8. 许多人不总以同样的方式看待事物所以他们可能不同地描述同一个人。

Many people don't always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently.


I got a terrible surprise when I saw the snake. First of all, snakes are scary. In the end, snakes are 精品文档


not scared of people.


Some people see crimes and then describe what the criminal looks like to the police artist.

Unit 10

1. 你生日想吃什么?--我想要两中碗牛肉西红柿面。

What would you like(to eat) on your birthday? --I 'd like two medium bowls of beef and tomato noodles. =I 'd like two medium bowls of noodles with beef and tomatoes. 2. 您需要点餐吗?

May I have/take your order?

3. 羊肉汤里有菜吗?--不,没有。

Are there any vegetables in the mutton soup? --No. there aren't any.= No, there are no vegetables. 4.你想要多大碗的面?

What size would you like? =What size bowl of noodles would you like? 5. 如果他一口气吹灭所有蜡烛,愿望就会实现。

If he blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true. 6. 长寿面是长寿的象征。

Long noodles are a symbol of long life. 7.生日食物能给过生日的人带来好运。

Birthday food can bring good food to the birthday person. 8.我们饭店有三种特色菜。 We have three kinds of specials.

9. 你是想吃四块钱的大碗的还是两块钱的小碗的?

Would you like a large bowl for four yuan or a small bowl for just two yuan? 10. 你可以点一些美味的博饼和粥。

You can order some delicious pancakes and porridge. 11.中碗的粥是5块钱一碗。

A medium bowl of porridge is five yuan. ? We have a medium bowl of porridge for five yuan. 11. 如果他努力学习,他的梦想就会实现。 If he works hard, his dream will come true. 13. 使她的生日愿望实现不难。

It's not difficult to make her birthday wish come true.

14. 所有这些生日食物可能都不相同,但是理念是一样的。

All of these birthday foods may be different,but the ideas are the same. 15.有糖的小孩是幸运的。 The child with a candy is lucky. 16. 鸡蛋是好运的象征。

Eggs are a symbol of good luck. 17. 书的数量等于学生的数量。

The number of books is the number of students. 18. 现在学生越来越流行戴眼镜了。

It's getting popular for students to wear glasses. 19.你想要哪种水果?

What kind of fruit would you like? 精品文档


20. 你可以从饺子馆里点一些羊肉和胡萝卜水饺。

You can order some mutton and carrot dumplings in the House of dumplings. ? =You can order some dumplings with mutton and carrots in the Dumpling House. 21. 我想要一小碗西红柿鸡蛋汤。

I'd like a small bowl of tomato and egg soup. =I'd like a small bow of soup with tomatoes and eggs.

22. 蜡烛的数量就是过生日的人的年龄。

The number of candles is the birthday person's age. 23. 过生日的人必须许愿然后吹灭蜡烛。

The birthday person must make a wish and blow out the candles.

Unit 11-12

1. 我妈妈在学校当老师。

My mom works as a teacher at school. 2.别对我嚷嚷了好吗?

Could you please stop shouting at me? 3.我年轻的时候能骑车环游整个城市。

I could ride the bike around the city when I was young. 4. 数千年前的人们就知道如何生火取暖。

Thousands of years ago,people knew how to make a fire to keep people warm. 5.春节前大批人乘坐长途车回老家。

Quite a lot of people took a long bus ride to get home before the Spring Festival. 6. 他要当第一名不容易。

It's not esay for him to be the first.

7. 我对历史感兴趣是因为历史很有趣。

I am interested in history because history is interesting. 8. 他刚刚喂了相当多的奶牛。 He fed quite a lot of cows just now.

9. 我们学习了如何打电话到消防站求救,以及当遇到火时该做什么。 We learned how to call the fire station and what to do when there is a fire. 10.我从去博物馆的参观中学习到了相当多的有用的经验 教训。 I learned quite a lot of useful lessons from the visit to the museum. 11.我们搭起了帐篷,生起了火以取暖和做饭。

We put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on. 12. 我们坐在月光下给彼此讲故事。

We sat under the moon and told each other stories. 13. 第二天早晨我姐姐吓了一跳。

The next morning, my sister got a terrible surprise.

14. 当我们望向帐篷外时,我们看到一条大蛇在火旁睡觉。

When we looked out of our tents, we saw a big snake sleeping near the fire. 15. 我那么害怕吓得动不了了。 I was so scared that I couldn't move.


We shouted to our parents to let them know about the danger. 精品文档


17. 这吵醒了蛇,它就爬到湖边的树林里去了。

This woke up the snake, and it moved into the forest near the lake. 18. 我爸爸之后告诉我蛇没有耳朵但是能感觉到事物在动。

My dad told me later that snakes don't have ears but can feel things moving. 19. 他也告诉我不要靠近蛇很重要。

He also told me it was important not to go near a snake. 20. 他们有个蝴蝶馆,里面有多于200多种蝴蝶。

They have a butterfly house with over 200 kinds of butterflies. 21.导游给来访者们讲述了关于蝴蝶的生活习惯。

The guide told the visitors about the living habits of the butterflies. 22. 我什么好吃的也没买,因为他们太贵了。

I didn't buy anything delicious, because they are too expensive. 23.导游教我们如何做模型机器人。

The guide taught us how to make a model robot. 24.博物馆里的一切都是关于机器人的。 Everything in the museum was about robots.

25. 博物馆里有太多的人了所以我听不见导游。

There were too many people in the museum so I couldn't hear the guide.

26. 我对科学一点都不感兴趣。

I am not interested in science at all.

27. 这个男孩多有趣啊!

How interesting the boy is!= What an interesting boy he is! 28. 听到这个令人惊讶的消息他一点都不惊讶。 He was not surprised at all to hear the surprising news. 29. 我问他农民是否种草莓。

I asked him if farmers grew strawberries. 30. 他们在九月前后摘苹果。

They pick the apples around September.


There is a farmer showing us around the farm. 32.听起来你的学校郊游很棒。

Sounds like you had a great school trip. 33. 昨天我有好多有趣的事情要做。

I had a lot of interesting things to do. 精品文档


34. 这很有趣。

It was so much fun.=It was a lot of fun.
