第三版新视野大学英语1-unit2教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章第三版新视野大学英语1-unit2教案更新完毕开始阅读050a9b1312661ed9ad51f01dc281e53a58025118

Xingtai Polytechnic College

教 案

课程名称 授课班级 课 题 大学英语I 见附录 学 时 日 期 2 参考说明 序 号 任课教师 1 见附录 Unit 2 Loving parents, loving children (读写教程) 能力目标: Analyze the structure at sentence and text levels; 分析课文结构 教 学 Make a short speech on topics related to parents’ love. 能够以父爱和母爱为话题展开讨论 目 标 应用性知识目标: Master the key language points in the text; 掌握关键语言点 训 练 项 目 (任 务) 教 学 媒 体 准 备 Develop the listening and speaking skills: work in pairs and discuss 听力和口语技能训练 新视野读写教程1光盘 新视野读写教程1 –unit2 课件 第 1 页(共 3 页)

Xingtai Polytechnic College

教 案

教学活动步骤及时间安排: ◇ Pre-reading activity:(10 min)课前准备(听力和口语) ◇ Overview of the text and text structure(20 min)课文概述及结构分析 教 学 ◇ Detailed study of the text(50 min)语言知识点学习 过 程 ◇ Exercises and conclusion (20 min)课内练习及总结 第 2 页

Xingtai Polytechnic College

教 案

板书设计: Text Structure课文结构 Part I: Paragraph 1-4 The daughter is leaving home for independence and the mother feels glad on the one hand and expresses her doubt on the other. Part II: Paragraph 5-12 The mess left by the daughter and my responses. Part III: Paragraph 13-22 After the mother finds a large envelope with all the memorable things the parents gave to the daughter, the mother’s attitude changes completely. Language points语言点 教 学 make it: With blood pouring from his leg, he made it to a nearby house. (be) free of/from: Ironically, almost all manufacturers claim that their drinks 过 程 are free of artificial colorings. strip off: It took me several hours to strip off that awful wallpaper from the walls. straighten up: As usual, she helped her mother clear away the dishes and straighten up the room after dinner. keep back: When she heard that her mom was seriously ill, she could hardly keep back her tears. with open arms: When the volunteers went to visit the children in the mountainous areas, they were greeted by the children with open arms. 作业: Finish the language focus p38-39. 完成语言点练习板块 课 后 总 结 第 3 页

Xingtai Polytechnic College

教 案

课程名称 授课班级 课 题 大学英语I 见附录 学 时 日 期 2 参考说明 序 号 任课教师 2 见附录 Unit 2 Loving parents, loving children (读写教程) 能力目标: Develop the language skills. 语言技巧 教 学 目 标 应用性知识目标: Master the key language points in the text; 掌握关键语言点 Understand the culture differences between Chinese and English in Chinese-English translation. 理解翻译中的文化差异 训 练 项 目 (任 务) Develop the translation skill: the culture differences between Chinese and English in Chinese-English translation; 翻译技巧训练 Develop the writing skill: write a paragraph of problem-solution pattern 写作技巧训练 教 学 媒 体 准 备 新视野读写教程1光盘 新视野读写教程1 –unit2 课件 第 1 页(共 3 页)