托福口语材料肥胖问题令美国年损失数美元 联系客服

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Just 1 in 7 U.S. workers is of normal weight without a chronic health problem, according to Gallup polling data, and it could be costing the economy more than $153 billion a year in lost productivity from increased sick days.

Gallup polled more than 100,000 full-time workers, and found that two-thirds of the work force is either overweight or obese and nearly half are both overweight and have at least one chronic health problem. The numbers on obesity are calculated using self-reported height and weight, which means the numbers could be even higher. Studies have shown that people tend to underestimate their weight and overestimate their height.

Workers who were overweight or obese were more likely to miss work than those of normal weight, but chronic health problems were a much bigger factor. Even among those of normal weight, chronic conditions are prevalent, as nearly 60% of those workers report a continuing health issue. Chronic health problems included having ever been diagnosed with a heart attack, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer, diabetes, asthma, or depression; and recurring physical pain in the neck or back or knee or leg in the last 12 months.

Gallup estimates that 450 million days of work a year are missed because of weight and other health problems, resulting in an estimated cost of $153 billion in lost productivity. “The $153 billion in lost productivity estimated in this analysis would increase if it included presenteeism, which is when employees go to work but are less productive in their jobs because of poor health or wellbeing. Including part-time employees would also add to the estimate of costs in lost productivity,” said Dan Witters and Sangeeta Agrawal who presented the data on Gallup’s Web site. They also point to a study that puts the figure much higher at $1.1 trillion. The data were collected this year, and there is a chance that the slow-to-recover economy is making the problem worse. Workers are facing stressful conditions amid a stubbornly high unemployment rate and demands from wary employers to do more with less. The Mayo clinic notes that stress puts people at increased risk for developing health problems including obesity, depression and heart disease.




Getty Images超重或肥胖劳动者的缺勤几率要大于体重正常的劳动者,而慢性健康问题则是造成缺勤的更大因素。即使在体重正常的劳动者当中,慢性病也很普遍,近60%的被调查者说自己有长期健康问题。慢性健康问题包括曾被诊断患有心脏病、高血压、高胆固醇、癌症、糖尿病、哮喘或抑郁以及在过去12个月里脖颈、后背、膝盖或腿部疼痛反复发作等病症。


把调查数据提交给盖洛普网站的威特斯(Dan Witters)和阿格拉沃尔(Sangeeta Agrawal)说,若算上“出勤主义”(指员工虽然到岗上班,但却因为身体或心情不好工作效率低下的现象),实际的生产力损失会超过报告中估计的1,530亿美元,若再算上兼职员工,这一数字还会增加。他们还指出,有研究认为这一数字远远超过1.1万亿美元。

调查数据是今年收集的,而复苏缓慢的美国经济可能正在让劳动者的健康问题变得雪上加霜。由于失业率居高不下,加上小心谨慎的雇主希望花更少的钱实现更大的产出,劳动者面临压力重重的状况。梅奥诊所(Mayo clinic)指出,压力让人们患肥胖、抑郁和心脏病等疾病的风险加大。

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