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语法: The Present Progressive Tense

2.难点: Application and Tips for Chatting Software (三)理论教学内容

§6. 1 Why I Deactivated My Face book Account 1. Main idea and structure of the text 2. Language points and grammar points 3. Critic and appreciation of the text ?????????

§6. 2 Making Friends in a Digital Age 1. Reading Skills: rhetorical speech 2. The Present Progressive Tense 2. Ability Enhancement and Translation ???????????

第 7 章 Unit 7


1. 了解文章内容、结构及主旨 2. 熟悉基本词汇、句型 3. 网络课堂的利于弊

4. 掌握阅读技能: Reading for Details 掌握写作技能: How to Write Poster (二)教学重点和难点

1.重点:词汇 (entirely, instructor, epidemic, partially, disadvantage, log, crash 语法 : The Simple Past Tense 2.难点: Advantages and disadvantages of Online Class (三)理论教学内容

§ 7. 1 Online Class, Love It or Hate It? 1. Main idea and structure of the text 2. Language points and grammar points 3. Critic and appreciation of the text ,,,,,,,,,

§ 7. 2 Thanks to the Internet 1. Reading Skills: reading for details 2. The Simple Past Tense

2. Ability Enhancement and Translation ??????????? (四)实践教学内容

第 8 章 Unit 8


1. 了解文章内容、结构及主旨 ---






2. 熟悉基本词汇、句型 3. 如何快乐的生活

4. 掌握阅读技能 Deducing Meanings 掌握写作技能: How to Write XX Wanted (二)教学重点和难点

1.重点:词汇 (portable, spread, variation, successive, influence, existence, burner ?)

语法: The Future Simple Tense

2.难点: How to live a happy life (三)理论教学内容

§8. 1 Enjoy the Hot Pot, Enjoy the Relation? 1. Main idea and structure of the text 2. Language points and grammar points 3. Critic and appreciation of the text ?????????

§8. 2 Enjoy the Delicacy

1. Reading Skills: deducing meanings 2. The future simple tense

2. Ability Enhancement and Translation ??????????? (四)实践教学内容

第 9 章 Unit 9


1. 了解文章内容、结构及主旨 2. 熟悉基本词汇、句型

3. 金钱对人生的意义,如何理性消费

4. 掌握阅读技巧: Reading for the main idea --- Topic Sentence 掌握写作技巧: How to Write the Letter of Registration (二)教学重点和难点

1.重点:词汇 (electronic, receipt, expansion, skip, fare, transfer, represent 语法: The Present Participle Tense

2.难点: Meanings of Money and Materialism and Reasonable Consuming (三)理论教学内容

§9. 1 How to Have More Money in Your Life 1. Main idea and structure of the text 2. Language points and grammar points 3. Critic and appreciation of the text ????????

§9. 2 How to Get by in Beijing Without a Wallet 1. Reading skills: Topic Sentence 2. The Present Participle Tense 3. Ability Enhancement and Translation ?????????




