北京师范大学附属中学2017-2018学年七年级英语下学期期中试题 人教新目标版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章北京师范大学附属中学2017-2018学年七年级英语下学期期中试题 人教新目标版更新完毕开始阅读01c430390342a8956bec0975f46527d3250ca6fb



1-4 BBAC


5-8 CCAB


9-12 BCAB

四、听独白,记录关键信息。本段独白你将听两遍。(共10分,每小题2分) 13. Zoo

14. animals

15. kind

16. warm

17. bus


18. B 24. B

19. B 25. B

20. A 26. B

21. A 27. B

22. B

23. A

六、完型填空(共9分,每小题1分) 28. B 33. B

29. A 34. D

30. C 35. C

31. D 36. A

32. C

七、阅读(共30分,每小题2分) 37. A 41. B 45. B 49. D

38. D 39. B 40. D 42. C 43. C 44. C 46. D 47. A 48. B 50. C 51. A

第II卷 笔试部分

八、根据上下文,选择方框内正确的词填到相应的横线上,使文章完整。(共10分,每小题1分) 52. B 58. E

53. H 59. D

54. F

55. J

56. A 57. C

60. G 61. I

九、阅读短文,回答下面的问题。(共10分,每小题2分) 62. Four / 4.


63. Taking pictures can make you notice the beauty around you. 64. Libraries, museums and universities. 65. Relationships are the best things in life. 66. They are cheap, easy, and interesting. 十、写作(10分)


1. M: Excuse me. How much is the T-shirt?

W: 12 dollars each.

Q: What’s the price of the T-shirt? 2. W: Can you play chess?

M: Sorry, I can’t. But I am good at singing. Q: What is the boy good at?

3. W: I’m going to buy a new comic book with Jack.

M: Cool. When are you going? W: Next Thursday.

Question: When are they going to buy a new comic book? 4. M: Why do you look so nervous?

W: We’re going to have a math exam this afternoon. I haven’t prepared it well. Q: What exam is the girl going to have?



M:You are carrying a lot of boxes. Do you need help? W:Thanks! That’s very kind of you. Q:What is true about the woman? 请听一段对话,完成第6小题。 W: What’s wrong, Michael? M: Nothing, Why?


W: You are crying?

M: Oh! I’m preparing dinner. The onions are making me cry. Q: What is the man doing? 请听一段对话,完成第7小题。 M:What is it?

W: We are going to an Adele concert! M: Adele! I love her!

Q: What is true about the man? 请听一段对话,完成第8小题。 W: That was a great game. M: Yes, it was! We won!

W: Let’s go get some pizza to celebrate. M: Great idea! I’m starving! Q: How does the man feel?



M: Look, it is snowing outside. Is it snowy in your hometown now, Nancy? W: No, it is very hot. It’s summer there. M: Wow, where do you come from?

W: I’m from Australia. The weather is different. It’s usually warm. M: Do you want to play in the snow with me? W: Yes, I’d love to! It must be interesting.

M: Let’s go out and make a snowman together! Remember to put on your coat. W: OK! Let’s go.

请听一段对话,完成第11至第12小题。 M: Susan, what book are you reading?

W: Oh, Ben, I’m reading an interesting book about animals. Do you like reading? M: Yes, I do. I often read books about movies and sports.

W: Sports? Do you play volleyball? I play it for half an hour every day.


M: Really? I like playing volleyball too. How about we play together tomorrow? W: OK! Let’s meet at 5:45 tomorrow afternoon at the gate of the school sports hall. M: Oh, I have an art class at 5:20. Shall we meet at 6:30? W: Sure! See you tomorrow!

四、听独白,记录关键信息。本段独白你将听两遍。 Boys and girls, may I have your attention, please?

There will be a visit to London Zoo next Sunday. We’ll spend a whole day there. I hope you’ll have a good time. But remember three things, please

First, while you are enjoying yourselves, don’t feed the animals. The animals are carefully fed. Any extra feeding may cause problems or even death.

Second, be kind to the plants in the zoo. Don’t pick flowers or plants. Litter can kill animals. Please use litter bins. Better still, recycle it.

The last thing is that we’ll leave at 9 o’clock in the morning by bus and return in the afternoon at about 3 o’clock. You can bring some food for lunch. I suggest that everyone wear warm clothes as the weather is cold this season.

That’s all. Thank you.