2017年天津市高考英语试题(带答案和解释) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2017年天津市高考英语试题(带答案和解释)更新完毕开始阅读0194d391b1717fd5360cba1aa8114431b90d8eca

D A situatin here drivers’ rle is nt lear

47 The prpsal put frard b Dbrindt ais t __________ A stp peple fr breaing traffi rules B help prte full autati driving prtet drivers f all ages and raes D prevent serius prpert daage

48 hat d nsuers thin f the peratin f driverless ars? A It shuld get the attentin f insurane panies B It shuld be the ain nern f la aers It shuld nt ause deadl traffi aidents D It shuld invlve n huan respnsibilit

49 Driverless vehiles in publi transprt see n bright future in _________ A SingapreB the U the USD Geran 0 hat uld be the best title fr the passage? A Autnus Driving: hse Liabilit? B Full Autati ars: A Ne Breathrugh Autnus Vehiles: Driver Reved! D Driverless ars: Rt f Rad Aidents 46【答案】D 【解析】

试题分析:根据第二段的句子the gre area beteen sei-autnus and full driverless ars that uld dela the driverless future可知选D。

考点:考查词义猜测。 47【答案】B

【解析】考点:考查推理判断。 48【答案】D 【解析】

试题分析:根据第六、七、八段内容可知选D。 考点:考查细节理解。 49【答案】

【解析】考点:考查细节理解。 0【答案】A 【解析】

试题分析:通读全可以知道,本主要讲述了谁对无人驾驶的机动车辆负责。故选A。 考点:考查标题归纳。 D

I read sehere that e spend a full third f ur lives aiting But here are e ding all f this aiting, and hat des it ean t an ipatient siet lie urs? T understand the issue, let’s tae a l at three tpes f “aits”

The ver purest fr f aiting is the athed-Pt ait It is ithut dubt the st anning f all Tae filling up the ithen sin(洗碗池) as an exaple There is abslutel nthing u an d hile this is ging n but eep bth ees fixed n the sin until it’s full During these aits, the brain slips aa fr the bd and anders abut until the

ater runs ver the edge f the unter and nt ur ss This ind f ait aes the aiter helpless and indless

A usin t the athed-Pt ait is the Fred ait This ne requires a bit f disipline Prperl preparing paaged ndle sup requires a Fred ait Diretins are ver speifi “Bring three ups f ater t bil, add ix, sier three inutes, reve fr heat, let stand five inutes” I have dubts that anne has atuall flled the predures stritl After all, Fred aiting requires patiene

Perhaps the st perful tpe f aiting is the Lu-Brea ait This tpe f ait is unusual in that it is fr the st part vluntar Unlie the Fred ait, hih is als vluntar, aiting fr ur lu brea des nt neessaril ean that it ill happen

Turning ne’s life int a aiting gae requires faith and hpe, and is stritl fr the ptiists ang us n the surfae it sees as ridiulus as flling the diretins n sup ixes, but the Lu-Brea ait ell serves thse h are illing t d it As lng as ne desn’t e t rel n it, ishing fr a fe gd things t happen never hurts anbd e ertainl d spend a gd deal f ur tie aiting The next tie u’re standing at the sin aiting fr it t fill hile ing ndle sup that u’ll have t eat until a large bag f ash falls ut f the s, dn’t be desperate u’re prbabl ust as bus as the next gu 1 hile ding a athed-Pt ait, e tend t ___________ A eep urselves bus B get absent-inded gr anxius D sta fused

2 hat is the differene beteen the Fred ait and the athed-Pt ait? A The Fred ait requires se self-ntrl B The Fred ait aes peple passive The athed-Pt ait needs diretins D The athed-Pt ait engages bd and brain 3 hat an e learn abut the Lu-Brea ait? A It is less vluntar than the Fred ait B It desn’t alas bring the desired result It is re fruitful than the Fred ait D It desn’t give peple faith and hpe

4 hat des the authr advise us t d the next tie e are aiting? A Tae it seriusl B Dn’t rel n thers D sething else D Dn’t lse heart

The authr supprts his vie b _________ A explring varius auses f “aits” B desribing detailed presses f “aits” analzing different ategries f “aits” D revealing frustrating nsequenes f “aits” 1【答案】B 【解析】