写作范例指导模联决议草案及修正案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章写作范例指导模联决议草案及修正案更新完毕开始阅读01156794f705cc175427092a


一.决议草案 Draft Resolution

决议草案是按照联合国决议文件形式起草的对该议题的解决办法,是会议中提出的工作文件的加工和完善。一份决议草案可以由一个国家起草,也可以由多国起草,这些国家即被称为“起草国”( Sponsors),他们完全赞成该项决议草案。某决议草案的起草国不能再成为另一决议草案的起草国或附议国。一份决议草案需要得到与会代表国的20%的签署才可以提交大会审议通过,这些国家被称作“附议国”( Signatories),这些国家不一定赞成该决议草案,但是认为这份决议草案很值得讨论,一个国家可以成为多份决议草案的附议国。当一份决议草案拥有足够多的附议国时,在主席团许可时,起草国才可以提出动议停止辩论,转而进行介绍和讨论决议草案。

决议草案格式: 1、草案标题

包括委员会、议题、决议草案编号(所在委员会的主席团给出)以及起草国和附议国的名单。 2、草案正文



草案正文包括序言性条款和行动性条款两部分。 ? 序言性条款


的决议和条约,讨论该议题的必要性。此外还可以包括联合国宪章、联合国秘书长或其他联合国机构领导人在此问题上的发言等内容。 每一款内容都以动词开头,并用斜体标注出来。 ? 行动性条款




二.修正案 Amendment

修正案分为友好修正案 ( Friendly Amendment )和非友好修正案

( Unfriendly Amendment )两种。修正案必须指明针对的决议草案。

友好修正案 ( Friendly Amendment ): 原决议草案的全部起草国都赞成该修改意见,该修正案就成为友好修正案,直接被添加到原决议草案的最后。

非友好修正案 ( Unfriendly Amendment ): 没有使得原起草国都赞成该修改意见,该修正案称为非友好修正案。非友好修正案的提交需要征集到与会代表20%作为附议国签名。原决议草案的起草国不能成为非友好修正案的起草国或附议国,原决议草案的附议国则可以签署修正案。修正案表决时需逐条表决。(需




附件: 中文决议草案范例


议 题:全球传染病暴发预警和应对 TOPIC:Palestine Israel conflict

决议草案解析 Draft Resolution1.1 Committee: Security Council Topic: Palestine Israel conflict Sponsors: China;The USA;France;Russia;The UK Signatories: Croatia, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Libyan, Panama, Viet Nam, Belgium, Burkina Faso, South Africa, Italy The Security Council, Having considered the item entitled \Middle East problem including the Palestinian question\in accordance with its Resolution 381 (1975) of 30th November 1975,

Having heard the representatives of parties concerned, including

Convinced that the question of Palestine is the core of the conflict in the Middle East,

Expressing its concern over the continuing deterioration of the situation in the Middle East, and deeply deploring Israel's persistence in its occupation of Arab territories and its refusal to implement the relevant United Nations resolutions, Reaffirming the principle of inadmissibility of acquisition of territories by the threat or use of force, Reaffirming further the necessity of the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the region based on full respect for the Charter of the United Nations as well as for its resolutions concerning the problem of the Middle East including the question of Palestine,

1. Urges the UN to set up a organization to manage all the conflict and assistances from other countries. And it consists of different parts.

1)A refunded manage institution.( Humanitarian aids) an institution to manage the financial fund from other countries and organization with the aim to:

a) Monitor the use of the fund on aspects of electricity, education, food, and clothing and so on for the refugee. Ensure the integrity;

行动性条款是真正涉及到会议实质部分的内容。这一部分列举本次会议的讨论成果、措施以及建议。这些条款都使用现在时的主动语态,并且这里的用词要比序言性条款中的用词具有更强烈的语气。除了最后一个条款以句号结尾外,其余条款均以分号结尾。这些条款都按照一定的逻辑顺序排列,用阿拉伯数字标注其顺序。每一款内容之包括一个建议或措施,每一款内容还可以包括逐条说明,用英文小写字母或者罗马数字标注。 每一条导言条款都作为状语,每一条序言性条款以带有下划线的单词开头,通常以现在、过去分词等开头,并以逗号结尾。 序言性条款主要回顾该议题的历史和过去已经通过的关于此议题的决议和条约,讨论该议题的必要性,对决议草案的目的进行解释以及为接下来的行动性条款提供论据等。此外还可以包括联合国宪章的内容和联合国秘书长或其他联合国机构领导人在此问题上的发言等。 在正文开头注明所属委员会,并以逗号结尾。 此部分涵盖了决议草案的基本信息,包括了决议草案编号,委员会名称,议题名称,起草国,附议国等。 the Palestine Liberation Organization,

representative of the Palestinian people,

b) Make sure that the fund will not be used on other aspects such as military use;

c) Occasionally inform the donating countries of the situation of the institution;

2.) Establish a multi-country committee in the Middle East with the aim to:

a) Discuss further plan to solve regarding problem;

b) Intensify the communication and cooperation among countries;

c) to hold more discussion for the issues about sharing the Jerusalem;

2. Calls upon all the countries to send humanitarian aids to the refugees both in Israel and Palestine and the aids shouldn’t be thwarted by any means,

3. Urges cooperation of fighting against terrorism. All the countries should prevent from direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer of military facilities which could contribute to terrorism,

4. Requests the Palestinian to fulfill its obligation to decline terrorism and make good use of the function of the organization to fight against terrorism by assisting the government of Palestine to constitute its own military force, 5. Suggests promoting the process of peaceful negotiations: a) Israel and Palestine should reach an agreement on ceasing fire;

b) Palestine should control the power of its radical wing; 6. Encourages all the countries to offer assistance to Israel and Palestine to solve the problem of the lack of resources, including water, oil and technological assistance, etc 7. Helps the people in both countries to fight for their humanitarian rights. Protects them from being attacked and help them to renew the countries as soon as possible.

行动性条款每一条开头都是谓语,用斜体单数第三人称动词(词组) 决议草案



议 题:全球传染病暴发预警和应对 起草国:美国 澳大利亚

附议国:新加坡 汤加 日本 葡萄牙 纳米比亚 墨西哥 牙买加

