2017年仁爱版初中英语八年级英语下册全套全册课时单元同步测试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2017年仁爱版初中英语八年级英语下册全套全册课时单元同步测试题更新完毕开始阅读01130fbe0875f46527d3240c844769eae009a388

( )9. We’re students. It’s important ____ us _____ at school.

A. for; studying B. of; to study C. of; studying D. for; to study

( )10. I like many different kinds of fruits, ____ apples, oranges, grapes and


A. such as B. for example C. as for D. is like

( )11. ---Shall we ____ the question of traveling? ---All right.

A. get back B. get back to C. go back to D. come back


1. 他的爷爷生病住院了。 His grandpa ____ ____ ____ _____. 2. Kitty从树上摔下来伤得很重。Kitty_____ ____ the tree and hut badly. 3. 昨天我照了许多照片,我会给你们看的。

I took lots of photos yesterday. I will ______ ______ _______ ______. 4. ---你为什么这么生气?

---你竟然让我在这么冷的天一直等了你三个小时。 ---Why were you so angry?

---You _____ me _____ for three hours on such a cold day. 5. 我们应该为明天的考试做好准备。

We should ______ ______ ______ the test tomorrow. 四、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1. Don’t make n______. Your sister is studying.

2. We shouldn’t throw litters about. Everyone must protect the e________. 3. When I watch sad movies, my eyes always f_______ with tears. 4. I like watching TV on weekends, e________ sports news.

5. Many students in my class have t______ learning English. The teacher is worried. 五、句型转换。

1. Green can give energy to me. (改为同义句) Green can ______ ______ _______.

2. I always feel nervous before a test. (对划线部分提问) _______ ______ you feel before a test ?

3. Jenny is afraid of going out at midnight.(同义句) Jenny is ______ _____ _____ _____ at midnight. 4. Why not finish your homework first? (同义句) ______ ______ _______ your homework first?

5. I saw Jim in the library yesterday afternoon. He was reading. (合并成简单句) I ______ Jim _______ in the library yesterday afternoon. 六、完形填空。

It was the last class. A teacher told each of her students to bring a __1__ and some potatoes to school.

The next day she told them, “From now on, when you’re angry with a person, you can __2__ a potato, write the name and date on it. Then put it in you bag.” Day after day, some students’ bags were very __3__. And then she told her students to __4__ the bag all the time. They would put it on the bed __5__, on the seat on a bus, and under the desk at school. Days later, students began to understand __6__ the teacher told them to do so. They __7__ pay attention to it all the time, So they couldn’t forget it. In the end, the potatoes went bad and __8__ terrible. They all wanted to throw them away.

__9__, showing tolerance(宽容) to others is also for ourselves! If we choose to keep hatred(仇恨) in our __10__, we will have carry them all our lives. ( )1. A. book B. bag C. clock D. flower ( )2. A. buy B. eat C. choose D. plant ( )3. A. big B. strong C. heavy D. nice ( )4. A. carry B. wash C. open D. close ( )5. A. in the morning B. in the afternoon

C. at night D. during the day ( )6. A. why B. how C. where D. when ( )7. A. had to B. wanted to C. hoped to D. refused to ( )8. A. sounded B. tasted C. smelt D. felt ( )9. A. At last B. In fact C. As usual D. For example ( )10. A. hands B. eyes C. mouths D. hearts


Two girls were sick in hospital. They were in the same room. One girl sat up on her bed for one and a half hours every afternoon. Her bed was next to the room's only window. The other girl had to spend all of her time lying on the bed. Every afternoon when the girl by the window sat up, she would describe to her roommate all the things she could see outside the window. \Ducks are playing on the water while children are playing with their model boats. Young lovers are walking arm in arm around colorful flowers. Some old people are sitting on the chairs and chatting happily\lying on the bed would close her eyes and imagine(想象) the beautiful scenes(情景). Days and weeks passed, one morning, the girl by the window died. Then the other girl moved to the bed by the window. She took her first look at the real world outside. She tried her best to find the beautiful scene, but it was just a blank(空白) wall! The girl asked the nurse why her roommate described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse told the girl her roommate was blind(瞎的) and could not even see the wall.


( )1. In the story, ____ were in the same room.

A. a boy and a girl B. two girls C. two boys D. a nurse and a girl ( )2. The girl by the window described the following except_____.

A. ducks B. young lovers C. some policemen and women D. some old people

( )3. In fact, there was(were) ____ outside the window.

A. a park with a lovely lake B. just a blank wall C. many children D. many young lovers

( )4. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. There was a lake outside the window. B. One of the two girls wasn’t blind. C. The girl by the window died in the end. D. The girl by the window couldn’t see anything.

( )5. According to the passage, the girl by the window was ____.

A. quiet and shy B. calm and serious C. proud and lonely D. kind and lively

Unit 6 Topic 1 I have some exciting news to tell you

一、 重点词组:

spring field trip go on a visit a three-day visit make the decision find out over the phone decide on pay for from…to… raise money think of

help sb (to) do sth advise sb to do sth put on a show look forward to hear from use sth to do sth 二、 重点句型:

1. How shall we get there?

2. It will take us a few days to get there by bike. 3. Let’s make the decision together.

4. Let’s find out some information about the cost. 5. I’d love to go by plane.

6. We’ll decide on the best way to travel on our field trip. 7. Can I help you?

8. I’d like to book some tickets to Mount Tai on April 13th. 9. How long do you plan to stay?

10. Why don’t we put on a show to raise money?

Topic1 练习题