新版科普版六年级英语上册教案(全册 共35页) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章新版科普版六年级英语上册教案(全册 共35页)更新完毕开始阅读003aa6cf0129bd64783e0912a216147916117e04

Teaching process:

Step 1 Warmer(5 minutes)

Good morning,first let the Ss look at these words and expressions: map , China, crayon.

-What are you going to do tomorrow? -I’m going to do some shopping. -Can I go with you? -Sure……

Let the Ss master these new words and expressions , let the Ss look at these cards and try to read these again and again . Step 2 设疑自探(10 minutes)

1.First , let the Ss look at the dialogue for two times,underline the words ,phrases and sentences they don’t read and understand .The teacher collect their problems and write them on the Bb. (1)Where is Eve?

(2)What is Dongdong going to do to morrow ? (3)What is Dongdong going to buy ? (4)How do they get there ?

2. Ask them to understand the problems in their groups first. Step 3 解疑合探(10 minutes)

1.Read the dialogue first and try to answer these questions together.(展示与评价) If they have any other questions ,let them speak out. 2.Get some of the Ss to try to ask and answer in pairs. 3.Practise in different ways.

4.Get some pairs to present in groups. Pay attention to add their evaluations. If they have any questions, please give them more helps. Step 4质疑再探(7 minutes)

1、The teacher asks: Do you have any questions? The Ss list the phrases:

do some shopping, a map of China , get there.

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2、let the Ss repeat the phrases several times. Step5运用拓展(8 minutes)

1.Let the Ss to finish the part 3: “look and say”. (1)两个人一组看图片,讨论一下计划。 (2)指明表演。 2.Practise in pairs.

3.Ask some Ss to present the dialogue in pairs. Bb Desgin :(板书设计)

Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow? Let’s talk. map , China, crayon.

-What are you going to do tomorrow? -I’m going to do some shopping. -Can I go with you? -Sure…… 教后反思:

Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow? Let’s learn ,Make and say , listen and choose A game. Teaching material analysic:(教材分析)

In this text, let the Ss master new words ,then let the Ss master the useful expressions :

buy some school things ,see a film, listen to music , wash some clothes ,next Sunday ,clean his room , after school, do sports ,play football,etc. -What’s he going to do ?

- He’s going to buy some school things.

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Key difficulty:(教学重点)

Let the Ss know the meaning of this phrases . Teaching times: (教学课时) Teaching method:(教学方法) three doubts three searches

Teaching preparation and method:(教学用具) cards, radio Teaching process:

Step 1 Warmer(5 minutes)

Ask the Ss to say the Chinese meanings of the following phrases:

buy some school things ,see a film, listen to music , wash some clothes ,next Sunday ,clean his room , after school, do sports ,play football.

Then let them practice the dialogue in pairs. Choose some pairs to act it out. -What’s he going to do ?

-He’s going to buy some school things. Step 2 设疑自探(10minutes)

1. Ask them to listen to the tape for two times, underline the words, phrases and sentences they don’t know and understand. Then collect their questions and write them on the Bb.

2. Let the Ss try to find out the answers in groups.

Step 3 解疑合探(10 minutes)

1. Get some Ss to solve the problems.(展示与评价)

2. Go through the Chinese meanings in different groups. Ask some groups to present them to the whole class. Pay attention to add their evaluations. If they have any questions, please give them more helps. 3. Let the Ss master the following phrases:

buy some school things ,see a film, listen to music , wash some clothes ,next Sunday ,clean his room , after school, do sports ,play football.

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Step 4质疑再探(7 minutes)

Let the Ss know the meaning of this text, and the Ss can use the example: What are going to do……?I’m going to ……Then let the ss find out the difficult sentences . Step 5运用拓展(8 minutes) 一、选出不同类的一项。

( )1、A. buy B. wash C. film ( )2、A. tomorrow B. see C. look ( )3、A. why B. in C. how ( )4、A. does B. get C. comes ( )5、A. car B. some C. many 二、根据汉语意思写短语。

1、买东西 2、这个周末 3、听音乐 4、放学 5、写我的作业 Bb writting desgin:(板书设计)

Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow ?

buy some school things ,see a film, listen to music , wash some clothes ,next Sunday ,clean his room , after school, do sports ,play football. -What’s he going to do ?

- He’s going to buy some school things. 教后反思:

Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow ?

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