小学五年级13-17全英赛智力题 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章小学五年级13-17全英赛智力题 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读003503603069a45177232f60ddccda38376be1e4

82. Sally goes to school in Sydney and Sally’s sister has supper in a scenic spot() near the sea. How many S’s are there in this sentence?


83. He is a home bird. He doesn’t like going out to play with other children. “A home bird” means ________ here.

A. 家里养的鸟

B. 看门人 1 6 8 5 ? 3 9 2 4 C. 喜欢呆在家里的人

84. Which number completes this sequence? 找出方框中数字的规律,写出问号所代表的数字。

85. If your uncle’s sister is not your aunt. what relation (亲属) is she to you? ___________________________________________________________

【2015年 决赛】

XI. IQ test(智力测试)(共5小题,计5分) 按要求完成下列各题

( )81. Dick is a black sheep. He always brings trouble to his family. “A black sheep” means ________.

A. 黑色的羊 C. 败家子

B. 一家之主 D. 亡羊补牢

82. What table is in the field?


83. Four children made four snowmen. Do you know whom each of the snowman belongs to(属于)?


( )84. Which of the bottom six grids fills the missing gap?根据A组图片规律,选出B组空白图片的正确答案。

85. If A=14 B=56 C=18 D=36 E=20, what’s the answer to this sum? Write as a letter. 根据提示写出能代表下面算式结果的字母。 B/A*C-D+E=_________

【2016年 初赛】

XI. IQ test(智力测试)(共5小题,计5分) 按要求完成下列各题

( )81. What’s the meaning of “Look before you leap()”. A. 三思而后行。

B. 跳下去再看 D. 犹豫不决。

C. 一边看一边跳。

82. There is an English word. It has three letters. It can be read backwards and forwards(来回地), and it is the same. We can’t see anything without it. It is a(an) ______.

83. Helen is 3 cm taller than Mike, but 2 cm shorter than Ann. Ann is 168 cm. Mike is _______ tall. 84. Write the first letter of the pictures below and use them to make a new word.

( )85. Which mouse spent(花费) the most at the market?

【2016年 决赛】

XI. IQ test(智力测试)(共5小题,计5分) 按要求完成下列各题

( )81. Because Frank has a sweet tooth and loves meat, he is getting fatter and fatter. What does “has a sweet tooth” mean here? A. 长着一颗甜牙 C. 喜爱甜食

B. 有一颗吃糖的牙

D. 牙上有糖

B. Andy’s, Beth’s and Lou’s.

D. Beth’s and Ceil’s.

( )82. Whose figures(图形) are the same(相同的)? A. Andy’s and Lou’s. C. Beth’s, Ceil’s and Lou’s.

83. My grandpa gives me 10 dollars to share with my sister ad brother. He tells me to take 2 dollars more than my brother and 3 dollars more than my sister. So I keep _________ dollars.

84. Cross out all the letters that appear twice in the grid to spell an animal.(删去表格中出现过两次的字母,然后找出一种动物的名字。) The animal is _______. I G L E P L D Y Z N O P G F C

E U D N U Z F Y W I 85. What’s it always found at the center (中心) of America and Australia?

【2017年 初赛】

XI. IQ test(智力测试)(共5小题,计5分) 按要求完成下列各题

81. It likes flowers. It is one of the busiest insects. It can make honey. What is it? ___________________________________________________________ 82. She likes blue because she failed the exam. What does “blue” mean? A. 蓝色的

B. 心情很好 D. 身体不错

C. 沮丧的 A. 2856 C. 5862

83. WOLF is to FLOW as 8526 is to _________.

B. 6258 D. 5682

84. Write the proper letter of the pictures below and use them to make a new word. 根据图片写出每个单词中与数字相对应的字母,组成新的单词。 For example, the second letter of zoo is o.

85. Which of the following(下面的) should be in the blank(空白处)?

【2017年 决赛】

XI. IQ test(智力测试)(共5小题,计5分) 按要求完成下列各题

81. What letter is in “seasons”, “seconds”, “centuries” and “minutes”, but not in “decades”, “years” or “days”?

82. Look at the example. The word in the middle has been made from the other two words. Complete the set of words in the same way. EXAMPLE SOUP GOAT London

SOAK ________




83. Which city is not the capital(首都)?



New York A. Ten


Brussels Berlin

84. If you count from 1 to 100, how many 7s will you pass on the way?

B. Eleven C. Nineteen D. Twenty

85. Look at the pictures, which of the following(下面的) should be in the blank(空白处)?